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WEBI 4.1 Open document date range with Bex query

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Hello SDN,

Am trying to implement open document call from Parent to Child Webi report, both the webi are Bex query based .

Am trying to pass a Customer name (query filter in webi )and a date range (Bex optional prompt ) to child report .

I could successfully pass Customer name but the Date range is not passing correctly and because of this am not getting correct result in my child webi .

The url am using is

href=\"/BOE/portal/1408061043/AnalyticalReporting/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?iDocID=AZyMWURc9tlKgcmztzz5qkE&sIDType=CUID&sType=wid&sRefresh=Y&lsRZTM_EVT_DT_RANGE="+URLEncode(""+[date range ])+"&lsMpmCustomer="+URLEncode(""+[Sold-To Party])+"&lsIpmCustomer="+URLEncode(""+[Sold-To Party].[Sold-To Party - Key])+"\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" nav=\"web\">"+[Sold-To Party]+"</a>"

the  fiddler output  is


the date range screen shot

with user response am getting date range as

please guide me is there any specific syntax i need to pass for this date range which is from Bex query  .

Thanks in Advance


Arjun KT

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Hey guys,

First of all thanks for the answers provided above!

Recently, I came across similar scenario and I found out a much easier way of doing this, by using the UserResponse.

What you need to do is just replace the ";" from the result you get via UserResponse and add "[" in front and "]" at the back of the UserResponse function.

For example, for the date range (1/1/2013 - 7/31/2017) that i would like to pass to a detailed report from the main report's prompt

Using the below formula in the document link for the prompt

The formula: ="["+Replace(UserResponse("Date Range");";";"..")+"]"

Date Range passed successfully to the linked document!