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SAP Business Application Studio / Delete Workspace



I have a lot of unused workspaces in my BAS. For clean-house purposes I want to delete these workspaces permanently.

How would I go about that? There is no command or delete buttton.

Thank you and best regards,


Thanks for sharing, however, deleting a workspace/project from BAS doesn't remove the DB objects that were created by these projects.

Is there a way of deleting the project with deleting the DB objects it creates?


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I tried doing the following and it works:

File -> Open -> Choose user level

Once the tree is opened from user level, you can see the workspaces in the project node. You can delete it from there.

0 Kudos
Thanks this has works
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi matthias_b ,

From what I can see what you refer to as workspaces are actually projects.

workspace can be for a single project or for multiple projects.

Deleting a workspace does not delete the project(s).

Projects on the other hand are the folders and files that make up your application.

If you want to delete a project, like in the case you present, you need to right -click it and select delete.

You can also select multiple projects using [CTRL] + click the project, then right-click, and select delete.

I want to re-iterate - you're going to delete projects, not workspaces.

Regards - Raz

0 Kudos

Hello Raz,

thanks for your feedback. But I was actually refering to workspaces, not projects.

I started out with giving each project its own workspace, resulting in a lot of workspaces. I then deleted most of the projects IN the workspaces, but I still do not know how to delete the workspace ITSELF.

Now I just deleted the complete dev space and started fresh 🙂 I assume that you are not supposed to create new workspaces all the time. It still bugs me though that there is no way to delete the workspace itself...

Thank you guys!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi matthias_b ,

Thanks for bringing up this topic - good discussion.

The information on BAS workspaces can be found in this page. We're working on improving it.

Information you're looking for and is currently missing:

  • There are three levels of settings: User, Workspace, Folder (all three are available in mutli-root workspaces).
  • Generally speaking: Folder settings override Workspace settings that override User settings.
  • Note: When configuring Workspace settings in single-root (single project) workspace, it's configuring the folder settings.
  • Single-root workspace / Folder settings are saved in .vscode/settings.json.
  • Multi-root workspaces are for the user to save. When created they are named "UNTITLED", and will be gone if the user opens a different workspaces. Only if the user decides to save multi-root workspaces, they are saved in the location the user selects with a ".theia-workspace" extension. This file contains the projects that are part of the workspace as well as all related settings.

There's more to share on this subject, but the above should provide you with the information you were looking for.

Regards - Raz


In the tree UI there is no right-click context menu. How would I delete them?

What command do I need to use in the terminal?

If you don't use multi root workspaces feature then workspace is actually a folder.

You can delete them from the terminal or opn projects as workspace and then delete them from the tree UI.

I'm not familiar with other way to do it.

Hi Matthias,

Please explain what do you mean by "workspace" because it can mean two different things.

Screenshot maybe?



0 Kudos

Hi Amiram,

I am talking about these Workspaces in the Business Application Studio:

0 Kudos

You can't do it from this dialog. You need to do File -> Open Workspace...

Then choose projects.

After that you'll see all those folders in file explorer and you'll be able to delete them.

0 Kudos

That's what I did.

and then you get here with no option to delete anything (no context menu, DEL key does not work):