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SAP Business Objects Servers are not running

0 Kudos

Hi everyone,

when logging into the CMC or the BI-Launchpad, we get the error message, that the CMS-Database is unreachable (see "screenshot1.png"). The error occurs regardless of authentication (LDAP, SAP, Widows AD). Even the Administror Credentials (Enterprise) are not working.

We are using the BO integrated SQL Anywhere 17 Database with ODBC connection. The databse is running and we can connect to them.

Apache Tomcat and SIA are also running.

But if I connect in the Central Configuration Manager to the system, I notice that all BO-Services are not running.
(Exception: Central Management Server) (see "screenshot2.png")

Is anyone aware of this problem?

How can I start the BO-Services without connect to the CMC.

Thanks in Advance!

Kind regards


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Answers (4)

Answers (4)

Active Contributor
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Active Contributor
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Check if your license is still valid

0 Kudos

Yeah, license is valid and our other environments are still working.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

1. the error message is not about CMS DB it is about CMS server that can't be reached (name resolution issue, network issue from client machine etc)
2. Servers can be started from CCM, start button is on toolbar.

0 Kudos

Hi Dennis,

thanks for your answer.

We tried this a few times. But the servers do not start by clicking "start" in the CCM-Toolbar.

On any other Environment it is possible to start the servers in the CCM-Toolbar.

Is there any other option?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

is this a new install ?
when did the issue started ?
if you ping your server name from machine where you're trying to login into CMC - what happens ?

0 Kudos

No, it isn't a new install. The system is running for about 8 years without any problems.

The issue started 4 weeks ago. No adjustments were made to the system.

The ping is succesfull.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

then you need to look at CMS logs to see what is the actual problem.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

There can be multiple reasons.

Restart the server and see.

If DB is up and running then open the CCM and try to connect DB from there.

Checks the logs and find out the error message

0 Kudos

Hi Amit,

thanks for you message.

As Denis has written, the Problem seems to be the CMS-server.