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SAPUI5 ValueHelp Include Range Operations

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I'm using SAPUI5 Fiori List Reports based on List Report Templates and CDS.

I managed to set the Filter ValueHelp Include Range Operations via attachValueHelpRequest and it seems to be working.

Update: If you open the ValueHelpDialog a second time it generated a loop. This has been fixed by only setting the prototype.test function if it's null or undefined.

onInitSmartFilterBarExtension: function (oEvent) {     
    var oSmartFilterBar = oEvent.getSource();
    oSmartFilterBar.getControlByKey("YourFilterName").attachValueHelpRequest(this.onValueHelpRequest, this);        

onValueHelpRequest: function() {
    if (sap.ui.comp.valuehelpdialog.ValueHelpDialog.prototype.test == null) {   //second time sets test=fntest2 which causes a loop
      sap.ui.comp.valuehelpdialog.ValueHelpDialog.prototype.test = sap.ui.comp.valuehelpdialog.ValueHelpDialog.prototype.onAfterRendering;
    var fntest = function(oEvent){
		 this.test();            //call original onAfterRendering
		 var vId = this.getId();
		 if (vId.includes("YourFilterName")) {
		   var oId = sap.ui.getCore().byId(vId);
		   if (oId) {
    sap.ui.comp.valuehelpdialog.ValueHelpDialog.prototype.onAfterRendering = fntest; 

Unfortunately you can still manually enter different Filter Operations (e.g >=0).

Is there a simple way to prevent this?


Have you considered trying to use local annotations to achieve this?

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