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UI5 application with Standalone approuter

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I am diligently following the mission outlined above and have successfully completed the first two groups of tutorials.

At this point, my application consists of modules - srv, db deployer, and standalone app router in the mta.yaml file. Following the tutorial, I've also added the ui5 module in the app folder, but haven't created the typical elements like the HTML5 app repository, app content, destination content, etc., which gets automatically created when working with managed app router. I have successfully deploy the application to Cloud Foundry (CF).

Now, I have a couple of questions:

1. How can I view the UI5 application in the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) cockpit after deploying to CF?

2. While I can see the OData service with authentication via the app router, I'm wondering if the standalone app router can serve UI5 static content without the need for an HTML5 app repository, app content, and destination content. Could you provide more details in the tutorial on how to view the UI5 app in the BTP Cockpit when only standalone app router is present?

I appreciate any additional guidance or information you can provide.

My CAP project for reference. (Please note: data model is different from the one shared in the turorials).



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1. You will need to follow the deployment for Work Zone/Launchpad Service/managed approuter scenario for getting the deployed apps in BTP Cockpit (under HTML5 Apps). If you plan to make it accessible to end users, you will need to create a site in Work Zone (eka Launchpad Service).

2. If you are building UI5 apps, it is best to stick with HTML5 repository. This is necessary for using managed approuter. The standalone approuter is able to serve static content as well. Destination content is for separating the configuration of backend services from. You can choose to hard code these. But, it is never a good practice.