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Urgent Issue in PR Release Strategy- Not getting released Problem

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Hello Experts,

We have implemented a WF and a BADI Enhancement for PR Release Strategy long before 2010 and it was working smooth till last week.

In our Release Strategy process every approver must release their respective releases on ME52N transaction which is being called on WF Decision step.

We are using SAVE event to trigger and re-trigger the WF from different release levels.

Example : ( R8 -> R2 -> R3 )

R8 Approver Approves it and the decision went to R2 Approver.

R2 Approver was busy so he forwarded the WorkItem to his subordinate and this is very common process they follow.

Both the R2 Approver and his Subordinate has same role configured.

The issue arrises when the subordinate tries to release it.

She has released it with a 'Tick' icon indicating successful release and saved the PR.

Note: SAVE is an event which updates the current Workitem in WF , releases that particular strategy and completes the flow and re-triggers a new one for next approver.

The issue is this, the Subordinate user has saved it and the WF has sent new Workitem to the Next approver R3.

But this dint not get updated at all. For the Next Approver in R3 Level it shows R2 Release strategy is still pending so he is not able to approve it even though the previous approver has approved it.

This scenario works smooth for 5 yrs and then this issue.

I thoroughly checked all possible ways of error but everything seems to be fine.

Even the User has created a similar PR again and it works well as expected. Duh !

Now im more confused where the hell the problem is ?!!?

If anyone has come accross something similar pls help me resolve this.


Vignesh R.

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Please tell how you are forwarding the workflow to subordinate ? Also let us know whether the approval determination process is using exit code or release stretegy is maintained ?

I have faced the similar issue and following are the findings in our case. We have written some code in exit to check whether the person who is releasing the workflow and the person who is maintained in release strategy are same then only release is allowed else no release.



Answers (4)

Answers (4)

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Thanks everybody for your usefuls uggestions.

I found the root cause of the issue.

Since the user selects the respective WI, the decision step is still IN-PROCESS which i totally dint see. So whatever happens it happens in that step. Later i came to find that there were Modal and Amodal Methods assigned for that decision step which was restricting the release strategy.

They have set a program exit too where a memory id is being set on a condition.

IF that PR has an attachment it creates a pop-up window to go to the ME54N t.code.

The users are forced to check those attahccmnet by downloading or opening it. Funny they have not attached documents for any PR before.

Only then the release strategy will be released, else its skipped and further there should be a error handling which was not done in the exit.

As all these things happen in the background , none of us were able to seee it even when we tried to replicate the scenario.

Now im handling those errors.

Once again THANKS A LOT.


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Hi Vignesh

She has released it with a 'Tick' icon indicating successful release and saved the PR.

Note: SAVE is an event which updates the current Workitem in WF , releases that particular strategy and completes the flow and re-triggers a new one for next approver.

Can you please let us know when the user "Ticked" the PR from ME52N (screen shown by the decision step), did she get any error or warning?

Do we have any entry in the change documents of the PR for that "Tick"?

Check the time of the Work item which got completed and at the same date and time check SM13/SM14 for any failed updates. Also check SLG1 for any messages?

SAVE event - is it triggered by the system or have you done any coding/config for that? What is the start event of your workflow? is it possible that the SAVE event triggered without checking the status of the current release and started a new workflow? If you have done any coding behind it, you may want to check the status first and then trigger/not trigger the event?



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  check the user have  authorization to release po or not

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Yea I checked that too... all authorizations are sufficient for the approvers in all level .

Like I said, The user forwards the WI to his/her subordinate and it works well for past 5 yrs until once.

Even after this issue the user has created a new PR and it worked without any issue.

The problem was that ONE run only and that's what im quizzed about the root cause of the issue.

One thing I have noticed that whenever the user forwards a WI to another user the current Decision step goes to Logically Deleted State. But after this issue its not so , its in IN-PROCESS state.

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Thanks Anjan for your reply

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You said this only happened once? In that case I wouldn't be too concerned.

Go to SWI1 and have a close look at the workflow log for the relevant steps

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I don't have an answer for you, but I do have some questions...

- Did you check the logs (of the relevant steps in the R2 workflow) for errors?

- Are there any ST22 or SM58 dumps at the time R2 was approved?

- Does your workflow method check for locking, and if so what does it do?

I suspect an error (like a lock or a dump) prevented the R2 release from occurring.

Try to replicate such a to see what happens.

You might just have to tighten up your error handling.



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Yea, there are no DUMPS. Like i said the WF completed successfully for next round of PR Value similar to the previous one.

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Thanks for your reply Paul but still the issue persist !