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What is the error in this JS shell plugin?

Hey, I'm trying to set up SAP Web Analytics in my Launchpad Service via Shell Plugin.
Therefore I used this two guides:

Developing a Shell Plugin for SAP Fiori Launchpad Service on SAP BTP (Multi-Cloud Environment) with ...
Tracking Portal site & App usage via SAP Web Analytics in SAP Cloud Platform | SAP Blog

After adding the Shell Script to my "Everyone" Group in the Content Manager I open the Launchpad but nothing is happening. When viewing the browser console it shows this error:

"Mandatory init() not called for UIComponent: 'fin.central.user.defaultparameter'. This is likely caused by a missing super call in the component's init implementation."

I can't spot an error in my "Component.js" so maybe the error is somewhere else? Anyway this is my code:

], function (UIComponent, Device, models) {
    "use strict";

    return UIComponent.extend("fss.fioriscript.Component", {

        metadata: {
            manifest: "json"

         * The component is initialized by UI5 automatically during the startup of the app and calls the init method once.
         * @public
         * @override
        init: function () {
            //set new ui component
            sap.ui.component( {name: "fss.fioriscript.Component" } )

            var rendererPromise = this._getRenderer();

            window.swa = {
                baseUrl: "",
                loggingEnabled: true

        loadTracker: function () {
                function () {
                    var d = document,
                        g = d.createElement('script'),
                        s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
                    g.type = 'text/javascript';
                    g.defer = true;
                    g.async = true;
                    g.src = window.swa.baseUrl + 'js/track.js';

                    s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
                    if ((typeof sap !== "undefined" || typeof sap.ui !== "undefined") && sap.ui.version >= "1.65.0") {
                        //no need to track Hash change, as Router event is listened
                    } else {
                        window.onhashchange = function () {

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Hey all,
I just recreated the project and added an empty getRenderer function:

_getRenderer: function() {}

Now it is working fine!

0 Kudos

Hi Simon,

Is there a reason why these lines are initialized.

//setnew ui componentsap.ui.component({name:"fss.fioriscript.Component" } )

var rendererPromise = this._getRenderer();

I am still getting the same error.



0 Kudos

Hi Abhi,
in the process of debugging I received an other 404 for this UI Component. So I initialized it. If you do not get this error I think you can delete this line. Hope this helps.


Answers (1)

Answers (1)


Hi Simon,

Did you find the solution on why you are getting that error ?



0 Kudos

I just added an answer.