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Community Manager
Community Manager

On Tuesday, January 16, we will begin migrating the community.sap.com Q&A and blogging content to the groups platform, creating a single community.sap.com destination. We anticipate that we'll finish the migration on Wednesday, January 24. 

During the migration period, the community will be read-only. Members won't be able to post new content, leave kudos, subscribe, or do anything else requiring log-in. This freeze applies to both community.sap.com and groups.community.sap.com. 

In preparation for this migration, please plan accordingly, as you'll be unable to publish anything to discussions, blogs, Q&A, and other areas from January 16 to the end of the migration cycle. Also, please keep in mind that we will only migrate content that has been published prior to the migration. For example, once the migration begins, any content in blogs.sap.com that is still under review, requiring more work, or saved as a draft will be lost. 

If you are a blogger at Contributor level -- meaning you have not yet achieved the Author status necessary to publish content directly to blogs.sap.com -- you must have your submissions in the moderation review queue by no later than January 1. Similarly, if you have content that our moderation team has set to "needs more work," you must submit again for review by January 1 -- after ensuring that you have followed the instructions that the moderation team provided. 

We can't guarantee that we'll be able to publish any content submitted for review after January 1.  

In addition, since our moderators -- along with the rest of the SAP Community team -- are focusing on the migration, they won't have as much time in December and January to coach new bloggers whose content doesn't quite meet our standards and guidelines. In these cases, at their discretion, the moderators may need to reject posts and ask the bloggers to save the content offline and submit again after migration, when the moderation team can once again invest the time necessary to help our new bloggers acclimate to the community style. 

For these reasons, when it comes to migration and blogging, we recommend that all new bloggers consider waiting until after we've finished the transition to the new platform in late January before beginning their blogging journey. Otherwise, they must submit their content for review by no later than January 1.  

To be clear: Any blogging content with the status of "Needs more work," "Under review," or "Draft" at the start of the migration will be lost as of January 16. So, either take the steps necessary to get your content published by the deadlines or save offline so you can submit for the new platform in late January. (Tip: If you aren't sure of the status of your blog content, go to https://people.sap.com/#content:blogposts and check the Status dropdown menu, as shown below.) 


Blogging content isn't the only area affected by migration and moderation. This move will also have an impact on Q&A and moderation alerts. 

When new members submit Q&A content to answers.sap.com, their questions, answers, and comments go through moderation. Therefore, if you're new to the community and want to participate in questions and answers, please make sure you submit content by Friday, January 12, to give our moderators enough time to process. Any Q&A content from new members submitted between January 13 and 15 may not be published -- and, subsequently, won't be migrated to the new platform. 

January 12 is also the cutoff for moderation alerts on the current community.sap.com platform. If you find anything in the community after January 12 that violates our rules -- such as spam or incorrectly tagged content -- please report it after the migration is completed. If you report anything between January 13 and 15, the moderation team may not get to your alert before migration. As a result, your alert may be lost, as we will be retiring the multiple systems currently used for blogging and Q&A and moving fully to a single moderation/reporting system once we are live with the new community. (The current system in place for groups.community.sap.com is what we'll use for all moderation alerts post-migration. Every piece of content on the community will feature a pulldown menu with a "Report Inappropriate Content" option, as shown below, that you can use to notify moderators.)  


We're excited about this move to our new home in 2024, and we appreciate your patience and cooperation as we take the steps required for a successful transition. Please make a note of the dates and advice above, so you don't risk losing any of your content during the migration phase. 


  • January 1: last day for Contributor bloggers to submit posts for moderation review  
  • January 12: last day to submit moderation alerts on the current community.sap.com platform and for new members to submit Q&A content to answers.sap.com 
  • January 15: last day to save blogging content with status of "Needs more work," "Under review," or "Draft" offline (as it will be lost from legacy systems during the migration period) 
  • January 16 to 23: the migration period during which both SAP Community Groups and SAP Community will be READ-ONLY
  • January 24: launch of the new SAP Community 
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Thank you, that's great news ! @jerryjanda 

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi @jerryjanda 

Thank you for your reply. I hope that our ample feedback will somehow contribute to changes and adaptations of the community platform going forward.

However,  I'm having doubts about the entire user/fellow/blogger experience on the current platform. First of all I'm struggling to find any good looking blogpost. 

Even the blogs posted natively do not look very good (and this without making any comparisons to the previous community platform or other platforms). Just the look and feel... How this can be any stimulating experience for a reader? Except if this just going for the headlines... And all this kudos-related clutter...

It's a bit a lot to digest for the time being. Thank you


Active Contributor

@jerryjanda, the link you posted in your comment does not work:



Community Manager
Community Manager


Was there someone on the SAP Community team who advised you to do this? If so, please reach out to me directly because our blogging system was never meant to be used for an image repository. and we should have warned you against this practice. I'm afraid we have no way of recovering this content.

Kind regards,
