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If you’re an SAP employee here at Clockhouse Place you’ll know there’s a lot going on with Experience SAP. For a start, we’re running our fantastic Family and Friends Saturdays across July – designed to inspire the next generation of young minds and introduce SAP to people outside of our industry. Not only will guests receive the full Experience SAP tour and learn more about the work we do, they can also enter our competition to win a family ticket to London Zoo!

Since we officially opened last week, it’s been interesting to hear the feedback from our visitors. For some the typhoon experience in Earth Runs SAP is the highlight. And there are some that feel Future Runs SAP, where you predict where a team of international art thieves will strike next offers the best experience. But I’m not so sure. In many ways, I think Business Runs SAP eclipses them all. This high-tech environment turns convention on its head, walls into interactive screens and surfaces and, looks at business from a different perspective, using the latest innovations in mobile, cloud, in-memory computing, and analytics.

Or to put it another way, here’s where we demonstrate SAP’s pioneering approach to business to new and existing customers, in ways that tackle their business needs and challenges – now and in the future. To learn more and book your place visit

Don’t forget, while we’re on the subject of the future, there’s still a chance to win our F1 themed parking space and car wash here at CHP if you tweet:

Feel nature’s power #ExperienceSAP

before 25th July.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Looking forward to our visit tomorrow!