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Former Member

Introduction of Myself

I am developing ABAP since 2004 in the FS-PM Standard Development.

Since some years i'm part of the custom development of FS-PM and FS-PM Auto.

In my spare time i programm some tools in Visual Studio (C#).

All the years i looked to the Visual Studio and miss some nice features in the SAP World.

(e.g. Extract to Method)

AIE is a great way to bring the cool features from a cool IDE to ABAP Developers.

Pre-Knowledge in Eclipse.

Because my favorite IDE is Visual Studio, i'm not an expert in Eclipse.

I had some experience many years ago, as i tried to develop a mobile app in Jave ME.

This Experience wos not great, but i think this was an problem of Java ME ;).

My Experience with ABAP in Eclipse makes much more fun.

Onboarding new Developers

My Colleagues told me more and more of AIE, and so i tried it too.

After i installed Eclipse i had many sections. I closed all sections of eclipse which

i didn't need or i didn't know, and experimented a little bit in Eclipse.

In the SCN I read about the "AiE Feature Explorer". Then I realized that the "Feature Explorer" is

One of the sections, which I had closed. :-).

But the feature explorer is a really great tool which helps people to switch from se80 to Eclipse.

I show my collegues the feature explorer. And they like it too.

Without the Feature Explorer, the people search a feature (e.g. Where-Used List) only, when they really need them,

and that’s is very annoying. This is the reason because I’m a fan of the feature explorer.

Favorite Feature

My Favorite Feature is the Quickfix. Nevertheless I think all features are very important to bring the old-school abap developers to eclipse.

Additional Features not Part of the Beginners Tour

Some cool features for the feature explorer could be the "Extract Method" Feature or the Debugging Features of Eclipse.


I wish:

The last days, i experimented with Plug-In Projects for Eclipse.

I want to create an own Plug-In for Debugging.

For Example: The SAP ABAP Debugger have an Register card "Script".

It's a nice feature to fetch some informations from the Debugger (Variables, Internal Tables).

match this informations, and give an optical overview of the matched informations (e.g. in a Tree-View)

I found some Tutorials about Plug-In Projects, but no example to get informations

from the debugger (value of an variable).

Probably i have to ask the scn community the next days.


The Feature Explorer is a great tool to find a good access to AIE.
Thank you very much.


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