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Abap2xlsx reads incorrectly decimal value from Excel

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Hello experts,

I have the following code, which reads an excel file.

REPORT zabap2xlsx_decimal_problem.

TYPES: ltty_alsmex_tabline TYPE TABLE OF alsmex_tabline

DATA: lo_excel TYPE REF TO zcl_excel,
lo_excel_reader TYPE REF TO zif_excel_reader,
row TYPE int4,
cell_value TYPE zexcel_cell_value,
column TYPE zexcel_cell_column

row = 3.
CREATE OBJECT lo_excel_reader TYPE zcl_excel_reader_2007.
lo_excel = lo_excel_reader->load_file( EXPORTING i_filename = 'C:\NI.XLSX' ). "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
DATA(lo_worksheet) = lo_excel->get_active_worksheet( ).
DATA(highest_column) = lo_worksheet->get_highest_column( ).
DATA(highest_row) = lo_worksheet->get_highest_row( ).
column = 1.
DATA(column_conv) = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( column ).
ip_column = column_conv
ip_row = row
ep_value = cell_value

write cell_value. "line 29

*DATA(lo_style) = lo_excel->add_new_style( ).
*lo_style->number_format->format_code = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_number_00.
*lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = column ip_row = row ip_style = lo_style->get_guid( ) ip_value = 243 ).

DATA(lv_value) = round( val = cell_value dec = 4 ). "line 36

ip_column = column_conv
ip_row = row
ip_value = lv_value ).

ip_column = column_conv
ip_row = row
ep_value = cell_value

write cell_value.

The Excel file has the value 0.8338

But lo_worksheet->get_cell reads it as 0.83379999999999999 (as you can see in line 29). Why does 0.8338 becomes 0.833799..9 ? I excepted it to become 0.8338000…0.

As workaround I can round the cell as shown above in line 36. The solution is not perfect because in real life there is more than one column in the file, so it is necessary to define for which columns the rounding should be performed.

In summary, my questions are:

1. Why does 0.8338 becomes 0.833799..9 ?

2. Do you have a better solution?

Thank you in advance



Active Participant

Here are comments from matthew.billingham sandra.rossi raymond.giuseppi


Internally, Excel stores as binary floating points, something close to 0.83379999999999999.

Can't you just round it to the number of decimals you need?


Excel doesn't store 0.8338 as 0.8337999..999. Excel stores numbers according to IEEE double-precision.

See the best answer here for an explanation of what you're seeing.

This is not a feature of abap2xlsx, it's a feature of Excel. You could read the format of the cell (if set) to find out exactly how many dp you should actually use. Otherwise, you're guaranteed the "correct" number at 15dp.


So round every numeric amount or quantity type fied to the 15 digits from IEEE 754 specification, or to your expected field definition in Abap dictionnary?


To confirm previous comments, I just created Excel with 0.8338, I get this internal format of XLSX file:

You can view the XLSX file too. It's like a ZIP file containing mostly XML files. (rename with .zip or open it via your favorite zip application)


Active Contributor

Formatting tip: remember to switch back to display mode before copying the code, else you get "<BR>" elements too 🙂

Active Participant

c5e08e0478aa4727abc4482f5be390b2 thank you.

REPORT zabap2xlsx_decimal_problem.
TYPES: ltty_alsmex_tabline TYPE TABLE OF alsmex_tabline
DATA: lo_excel TYPE REF TO zcl_excel,
lo_excel_reader TYPE REF TO zif_excel_reader,
row TYPE int4,
cell_value TYPE zexcel_cell_value,
column TYPE zexcel_cell_column
row = 3.
CREATE OBJECT lo_excel_reader TYPE zcl_excel_reader_2007.
lo_excel = lo_excel_reader->load_file( EXPORTING i_filename = 'C:\NI.XLSX' ). "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
DATA(lo_worksheet) = lo_excel->get_active_worksheet( ).
DATA(highest_column) = lo_worksheet->get_highest_column( ).
DATA(highest_row) = lo_worksheet->get_highest_row( ).
column = 1.
DATA(column_conv) = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( column ).
ip_column = column_conv
ip_row = row
ep_value = cell_value
write cell_value. "line 29
*DATA(lo_style) = lo_excel->add_new_style( ).
*lo_style->number_format->format_code = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_number_00.
*lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = column ip_row = row ip_style = lo_style->get_guid( ) ip_value = 243 ).
DATA(lv_value) = round( val = cell_value dec = 4 ). "line 36
ip_column = column_conv
ip_row = row
ip_value = lv_value ).
ip_column = column_conv
ip_row = row
ep_value = cell_value
write cell_value.

Active Contributor

next free tip: posts may be edited 🙂

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0 Kudos

c5e08e0478aa4727abc4482f5be390b2 thank you for your tips.

Could you please help me with my questions?

Active Contributor

not right now, unfortunately... I'll come back to the post when I have more time!

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0 Kudos

Internally, Excel stores as binary floating points, something close to 0.83379999999999999.

Can't you just round it to the number of decimals you need?

Active Participant
0 Kudos


Thank you for your answer.

1. Sorry but I do not understand why Excel stores 0.8338 as 0.83379999999999999 (and another example – 0.8339 as 0.83389999999999997)

2. I can round it, but as I wrote before: In real life there is more than one column in the file, so it is necessary to define for which columns the rounding should be performed.

Active Contributor

Excel doesn't store 0.8338 as 0.8337999..999. Excel stores numbers according to IEEE double-precision.

See the best answer here for an explanation of what you're seeing.

This is not a feature of abap2xlsx, it's a feature of Excel. You could read the format of the cell (if set) to find out exactly how many dp you should actually use. Otherwise, you're guaranteed the "correct" number at 15dp.

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0 Kudos

matthew.billingham Thank you so much for your answer.

Now it is more clear.

How can I read the format of the cell?

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0 Kudos

Did you try to add the ep_style parameter in the get_cell method call.

(Floating-point arithmetic may give inaccurate results in Excel)

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0 Kudos

raymond.giuseppi thank you for your answer.

I add the parameter , but it returns initial

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0 Kudos

It's explained in many places in Excel API and SDK in many languages, e.g. Stack Overflow.

It's how Excel works.

Do as you wish, you just don't have the choice.

In "real life", Excel data is stored in SAP columns which makes it automatically rounded.

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0 Kudos

So round every numeric amount or quantity type fied to the 15 digits from IEEE 754 specification, or to your expected field definition in Abap dictionnary?

(As already written by matthew.billingham)

Active Participant
0 Kudos

raymond.giuseppi and sandra.rossi thank you for your answer.

I will round it in the real program

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

It depends. It's not only the style, it's also the width of the column. If the style is general and you increase the width, you will see more significant digits.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I guess one of the relevant comments could be changed to answer and then be accepted.

Active Contributor

To confirm previous comments, I just created Excel with 0.8338, I get this internal format of XLSX file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<worksheet xmlns="" xmlns:r="" xmlns:mc="" mc:Ignorable="x14ac xr xr2 xr3" xmlns:x14ac="" xmlns:xr="" xmlns:xr2="" xmlns:xr3="" xr:uid="{7C46727E-3F5F-46F7-8CDA-7266B2FC90B3}"><dimension ref="A1"/><sheetViews><sheetView tabSelected="1" workbookViewId="0"/></sheetViews><sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="15" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"/><cols><col min="1" max="1" width="16.28515625" customWidth="1"/></cols><sheetData><row r="1" spans="1:1" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"><c r="A1"><v>0.83379999999999999</v></c></row></sheetData><pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" top="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3"/><pageSetup paperSize="9" orientation="portrait" r:id="rId1"/></worksheet>

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0 Kudos

c5e08e0478aa4727abc4482f5be390b2 hagit could create an answer by coping all comments 😉

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

true but I'm always for giving credit where it's due

Active Participant
0 Kudos

sandra.rossi thank you for your great answer.

now it is more clear

Active Contributor

c5e08e0478aa4727abc4482f5be390b2 If nobody wants to post an answer, I guess it's the responsibility of the Original Poster to help future visitors 😉

Active Contributor

hagit You can view the XLSX file too. It's like a ZIP file containing mostly XML files. (rename with .zip or open it via your favorite zip application)

Active Participant

Here are comments from matthew.billingham sandra.rossi raymond.giuseppi


Internally, Excel stores as binary floating points, something close to 0.83379999999999999.

Can't you just round it to the number of decimals you need?


Excel doesn't store 0.8338 as 0.8337999..999. Excel stores numbers according to IEEE double-precision.

See the best answer here for an explanation of what you're seeing.

This is not a feature of abap2xlsx, it's a feature of Excel. You could read the format of the cell (if set) to find out exactly how many dp you should actually use. Otherwise, you're guaranteed the "correct" number at 15dp.


So round every numeric amount or quantity type fied to the 15 digits from IEEE 754 specification, or to your expected field definition in Abap dictionnary?


To confirm previous comments, I just created Excel with 0.8338, I get this internal format of XLSX file:

You can view the XLSX file too. It's like a ZIP file containing mostly XML files. (rename with .zip or open it via your favorite zip application)

Active Participant

sandra.rossi c5e08e0478aa4727abc4482f5be390b2

I created an answer by coping some of the comments