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Block infotype 2001 creation with condition

0 Kudos


Our customer wants that if the absence type 0210 is about to be created there should be a check for infotype 33.

If the condition is not met the absence type should not be created for the person with a suitable message for the user.

I already tried to trigger an error message within the ZXPADU01 include.
Although it worked it is not quite nice that the user will be thrown out the PA30 transaction.
Is there a way to get a pop-up and let the user stay within the PA30 transaction so he can just change the absence type and continue?

Thanks and kind regards



0 Kudos

What message type did you use? E or A will do as you indicated and exit PA30. Using message type I should give you a pop-up. However you will most likely also need a check in ZXPADU02 to stop the user from trying to save the record if they don't fix the issue.

0 Kudos


I used type E.

The thing is that we don't want get to the next screen in PA30.
So you would stay on the first screen of PA30 where you can select the personal number, infotype, etc.

Is this possible, to stop SAP getting to the next screen?

0 Kudos

I'm not completely sure, but I don't think it's possible to get you to stay in the PA30 start screen. So it will leave the transaction after giving the message.

0 Kudos

Hmm ok that's unfortunate.
Well, then I will try your approach to add code into the ZXPADU02 to probably stop the saving and let the user know what to do.

Thanks and kind regards
