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CL_SALV_TABLE - Bold/Intensified Text in Cells

0 Kudos

Hi Guys!

I am using CL_SALV_TABLE to generate ALV output.

Has anyone managed to bold the text within a column or cell using the functionalities provided by this class?

I am not interested in changing the program to use CL_GUI_ALV_GRID neither FMs REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY*...


Active Contributor

It seems there is no easy way to set bold text in SALV cells.

Hard way - get CL_GUI_ALV_GRID object from SALV object, get layout (lvc_s_layo) and set layout-stylefname + style to cell.

Or use colors instead as Simone suggested.

-- Tomas --

Active Contributor

Hi Carlo,

it's possible to set a colour with all the styling as per Naimesh's wonderful blog

Applying this solution, you can specify which column is intensified aka bold, since it relies on LVC_S_SCOL structure.

LVC_S_SCOL has structure COLOR with field "INT" you can activate (1) or deactivate (0).

0 Kudos

Thanks Simone!

But I'm not talking about colors, I specifically mentioned I would like the text in bold/intensified.

This cannot be achieved by the solution you proposed.

Have you ever managed to achieve BOLD with this?

0 Kudos

As i said

Applying this solution, you can specify which column is intensified aka bold, since it relies on LVC_S_SCOL structure.
LVC_S_SCOL has structure COLOR with field "INT" you can activate (1) or deactivate (0).

The method name is a bit puzzling, but if you just fill the INT field, you got your bold.
Did you read the blog i linked and tried to follow the same path?

0 Kudos

Simone, I have included the sample code and bold cannot be achieved by the proposed solution.


This is why I asked if you have managed to achieve this using INT = 1

You can obtain the intensified effect (like on old WRITE LIST ) like this

 DATA: lo_cols_tab TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
          lo_col_tab  TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table.
    cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = salv
                            CHANGING t_table = out  ).
  DATA: ls_color TYPE lvc_s_colo.    " Colors strucutre
    lo_cols_tab = salv->get_columns( ).
    INCLUDE <color>.
        lo_col_tab ?= lo_cols_tab->get_column( 'VSTEL' ).
        ls_color-col = 0 .
        ls_color-int = 1.
        ls_color-inv = 0.
        lo_col_tab->set_color( ls_color ).
      CATCH cx_salv_not_found.

0 Kudos

Thanks Simone! That's very helpful!

I know it's not the bold effect, but if you want to stick with basic alv (SALV does that: quick and dirty lists) it's all you can have, i'm sorry 😕

Active Contributor

It seems there is no easy way to set bold text in SALV cells.

Hard way - get CL_GUI_ALV_GRID object from SALV object, get layout (lvc_s_layo) and set layout-stylefname + style to cell.

Or use colors instead as Simone suggested.

-- Tomas --

0 Kudos

Simone's solution does not work. I have showed that in the comments.

Could you please further explain your solution using CL_GUI_ALV_GRID with code examples if possible? Thanks!

I meant that instead of making text bold you can color it. So it will be more visible.

For more help on "hard way" - read this nice blog Cou can find there how to get CL_GUI_ALV_GRID object and then layout. Setting bold text with lvc_s_layo is then no problem to find...

-- Tomas --

0 Kudos

It is indeed a very complicated solution. May not worth it going down that road and just stick to using CL_GUI_ALV_GRID in most cases.

I will advise the business to restrict only to color scheme in this case.

Thanks a lot!