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HCP HANA XS Service and API Management

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Are there any resources (documentation, blogs, tutorials, videos) which use a HCP trial account HANA system and HANA XS service with API Management?

I successfully used API Management with a remote ABAP system (SAP Gateway) Destination, the corresponding Catalog Service, and a Gateway OData service.

I created a trial HANA database schema, HANA XS Service (.xsodata), and Destination, but am not able to discover service Resources within API Management.

Currently, I am trying to determine if it is a configuration issue (authentication, users, roles, privileges, properties, etc), a trial account limitation, or if I am entirely missing a critical concept such as cloud-connecting the cloud to itself

  • SAP Managed Tags:

0 Kudos

Hi Scott,

Currently on the Trial landscape, HANA XS is a bit... complicated... to access.

As outlined in this blog HANA XS requires not only HANA Cloud Connector, but also a Proxy app to connect to via HCP.

Unfortunately this is compounded by the fact that currently SAP API Management on HCP cannot directly consume HANA Cloud Connector destinations, and so there is an additional step after running through the above Blog, (fortunately the WebIDE creation portion of Blog #1 is a good walk-through to set you up to follow blog #2).

I have tested this setup myself just now, and it works, although it is some work to enable.

I hope this helps with your question!



  • SAP Managed Tags:

Former Member
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Hi Scott,

you are saying that you cannot discover services. The discover features is currently available for SAP Gateway based services only.

If you specify the URL direclty, can you then add it as an API Proxy?

In this blog () outlines the steps how to consume a service running on HCP.



  • SAP Managed Tags:

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Vijay's blog is excellent. Having developed an aversion to Java and WAR files, I may have initially overlooked the great content.

I directly specified the URL but did not successfully use it as an API Proxy.

I'm going to work through the setup described by Elijah, then revisit more direct attempt(s).

Thank you,


  • SAP Managed Tags:

0 Kudos

Hi Scott,

Currently on the Trial landscape, HANA XS is a bit... complicated... to access.

As outlined in this blog HANA XS requires not only HANA Cloud Connector, but also a Proxy app to connect to via HCP.

Unfortunately this is compounded by the fact that currently SAP API Management on HCP cannot directly consume HANA Cloud Connector destinations, and so there is an additional step after running through the above Blog, (fortunately the WebIDE creation portion of Blog #1 is a good walk-through to set you up to follow blog #2).

I have tested this setup myself just now, and it works, although it is some work to enable.

I hope this helps with your question!



  • SAP Managed Tags:

0 Kudos

I was holding out hope for simple access. Even though the answer isn't what I had hoped, your explanation is useful and appreciated.

Remarkably, the setup you describe isn't particularly daunting in the context of using the trial landscape, so I better get to it.

Thank you,


  • SAP Managed Tags: