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SAP Developer Challenge - SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (Week 1)

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
Please note that this challenge is closed. The deadline for receiving a badge upon successful completion has passed. Check out this new challenge for the month of August.
Welcome to the first week of this month's SAP Developer Challenge. This week we are going to learn how to get started with the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) and domain modeling. If you haven't read the announcement blog post for this challenge, please head over and do so.

The Challenge

The objective this week is to build a CAP service, that can track golf rounds. Yes, you read that right – golf rounds ️🏌🏽‍. This is a completely artificial scenario that we made up, but it lends itself pretty well to practice a few basic CAP features.
We have prepared a starter project (link to CodeSandbox below) that already contains the entity "Rounds" and exposes it via a service. It is your job to enrich this existing service.

This is what you have to do to successfully complete this week's challenge:
  1.  Go to the CodeSandbox and fork it. You have to have an account with CodeSandbox and be be signed in to be able to do that.
  2. Work on the project so it represents the following relationships:
        1. The service should track who entered a new round and when it was entered (hint: managed entities).
        2. A round consists of multiple holes. No hole can exists without its "parent" round (hint: compositions vs. associations).
        3. Each hole has a score, representing the number of shots it took a player to get the ball into the hole.
        4. Similarly, each hole has a par of 3, 4, or 5, representing the average amount of shots it takes a professional golfer to get the ball into the hole.
        5. Each hole consists of one or more shots. Similar to rounds and holes, no shot can exists without its "parent" hole (hint: compositions vs. associations).
        6. (Feel free to add more fields to the entities as you see fit.)
  3. Run the dev server using the predefined "dev" task. To do so, click on the little plus icon (+) to open the dev tools and click on "Tasks > dev".
  4. Wait for the server to start. Once done, click on "http://localhost:4004".
  5. Open the metadata of the "browse" service.
  6. Take a screen shot of the metadata and post it into this discussion thread. Hopefully it looks something like this (a few sections collapsed in the screen shot):




We have gathered a few helpful resources to get started. Also make sure to inspect the existing code in the starter project and try to understand what it does.

Note: If you encounter issues with your dev server not starting properly, check your cds syntax. Unfortunately, the CodeSandbox doesn't have syntax highlighting for cds and it may not provide clear error messages. One useful approach is to comment out sections of code until the server starts, then gradually uncomment to isolate the problematic line.

Good luck and happy learning!
168 REPLIES 168

Well done, right on time

0 Kudos

Well done Does Shots have an Association to one Holes?




My result, thanks.

0 Kudos

Well done Did you use the manages aspect for the Rounds?


0 Kudos

Well done Does Rounds have a Composition of many Holes?

Active Participant

Here is my Week 1 submission.




Sai Nithesh

0 Kudos

Well done