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Active Contributor

The love for SAP Labs,Bangalore always makes me to register to any event Hosted there, this is how i registerd for this.

I saw a linked in post by maheshkumar.palavalli for the Sap Stammtisch on the BTP session. Coming from functional background i was curious to know on this and especially as this was happening at SAP Labs. But when i tried to register already they have closed due to threshold , i have to request the organizers for execption and they were kind to allow me.

I landed there and had a good time meet and greet the fellow people who have gathered there.

A warm welcome speech  by maheshkumar.palavalli set up the stage for Agenda and list of things that is going to be discussed.

The opening key note by abhishek.chatterjee about the role of SAP community and the bigger events that are getting planned fueled everyone to get engaged.

The Key note was followed by our thomas.jung the head of developer advocacy on  the role of the participation and give back.

we also had announcment of coming soon "code jam: by shilpa.shankar

Following Thomas we had our firing up the dicussion on Kubernets, Cloud foundy etc were Intresting.

The final presentation was given by Srini on the Integration suite with a case study of managing large scale implementation with huge Legacy applications.

It was a well spent evening meeting many colleagues.





What is a Stammtisch?

The word Stammtisch is German. A Stammtisch is both a group of people, who meet regularly in a bar or restaurant, as well as the large table, around which the group gathers. So choice is Open Guys !!!


Active Contributor

Nice recap of the community event dskumar_2000 🙂

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
Thanks for sharing your attendance at your first SAP Stammtisch dskumar_2000

Anyone, if you are interested in more information about an SAP Stammtisch, read this post:

Be aware that some use the SAP Stammtisch as an opportunity to present topics as well. We used to call it "SAP Stammtisch Plus" like Mahesh did! 😉  Read his post here!
Active Contributor
maheshkumar.palavalli  Thanks for the Invite too..
Active Contributor
Yes was a nice event !!