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Case Management is one of the main topic Customer COEs need to take care of, to control/optimize TCO in operations activities in the company. Customer Insights dashboard helps to get insights into the case management, case quality, volume and trends. Due to the legal and contractual changes a new data source has been implemented to the section Cases  in  ‘Customer Insights‘ dashboard. It includes the new calculation of the Response Levels for IRT and new updated feedback surveys. 

1. The calculation of the Response Levels has been changed so that it is now possible to have several Initial Response Times (IRTs)  for a single case. When the priority of the case will be change the new IRT will be calculated. To reflect this change the graphs for IRT and IRT Response Levels have been changed to display the number of hits and number of misses per month similar to the graph for the Ongoing Response Time (ORT). Additionally, also the number of relevant cases is displayed as column.  The data displayed in the table is based on the SLA events (Hits or Misses) and not on the closed cases as it was previously. The first graph combines all Response Levels and displays the fulfillment rate in % per month. 
Current APT behaviour remains in place: if the APT has been completed already, no new APT is triggered on the priority increase. However for consistency reasons the APT Response Levels are also displayed based on the response level event and not based on the creation date of the case. Please consider this when you select a time frame.

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2. The new data for the customer feedback considers the recent changes in the survey process. It is possible now to provide feedback also via chat survey or SAE survey additionally to the Case Survey. This fact has been reflected in the first graph showing all collected feedbacks sorted by month and by the feedback channel. The columns indicates now many feedbacks have been received and how many cases have been closed without any feedback.
Additional questions have been added to the survey, e.g. timely solution and update, Access to Expertise and Professionalism which now are also reflected in separate graphs. 
Due to the personal data security and feedback anonymity there is no table with the details in this subsection.

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3. New graph for the Case Re-openings


Cases New - Re-openings 2024-03-13_15-56-50.png

Based on the feedback we received, a new statistic for the Re-openings of a case has been added to the Closed Cases section. The graph is not displayed as default, but it can be added to the UI by clicking on the personalization menu in the right upper corner ("..." / Personalize Card). This statistic displays the number of re-openings for the closed cases per month. When you select a column  with re-openings in the chart the table will display the related cases with the re-openings.

4. Changed the default layout of the Error Category display

Cases New -  Error Category 2024-03-13_10-57-27.png


The default layout of the Error Category graph has been changed based on the feedback with the wish to see the Error Categories history and to be able to compare the quality over a time period. Selecting a segment in the chart with Error Category you can see the the relevant Error Subcategories and cases details in the table.
This change is just a customization of the graph. It was possible also to change it using the graph customizing and layout features. But now we provide this version as default. Those of you who still prefer the pie chart with the total numbers of the Error Categories can to change as described below:

  • click on the graph customization icon and deselect / delete the dimension "Closing Month" Case New - custmization Error Category 2024-03-13_23-53-31.png
  • Now change the graph layout to select another Chart Type and change from the Column graph to the Pie Chart
    Case new - error Categ - customizing 2024-03-13_23-59-52.png

5. The 2nd graph in Closed Cases which used to display cases by component has been changed to display cases by Solution Area. This change was based on customers’ feedback.

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 6. The hyperlinks in the Case Table have been removed for the Ariba cases originating outside of SAP for Me to avoid the poor experience of not working links and to prevent this from happening.

7. Please note that with the change to the new data source for the cases you might get slightly different numbers compared to the last data source. The reason for this is that the parameters for the data selection from the data base have been improved and aligned, e.g. the Response Levels data is now based on the Incoming Cases and not on the Closed Cases.

Please use the ‘Feedback’ slider on the right edge of the page of the application to share with us your feedback on this new tool and help us to improve the reporting functionality in SAP for Me.

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Related blogs: SAP for Me goes reporting  or all related blogs to ‘Customer Insights’ reporting dashboard.