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Perhaps you've heard of Humans of New York (HONY), the five-year-old vibrant photograph-blog-turned-#1-New-York-Times-best-selling-book run by a man named Brandon that provides a worldwide audience with daily glimpses into the lives of the people in New York City. Inspired by HONY, we decided to do our own spinoff and call it Humans of SAPsv. Each week, through the end of December, we'll feature three employees complete with their picture, name, title, Twitter handle, and snippets of their passion for SAP, their commitment to their colleagues and community, and what inspires them both inside and outside of SAP.

If you're interested in the chance to be featured in Humans of SAPsv, please email Magen Petit. Enjoy learning more about your colleagues and share your comments below!

See the Humans of SAPsv Weekly Series on SAPsv Jam.

Maya Shovestull
HCM Solution Consultant
Caitlin Frawley

IT Support Specialist

Srinivas Atluri

Lead Performance Engineer


What are you passionate about at SAP?
The amount of teamwork that happens at SAP was the first thing that really impressed me when I started my role, so I’ve tried my best to make that the focus of every project I’m involved in. After seeing how many people contribute their knowledge, their time, and best efforts toward the work of their colleagues it’s hard to not be inspired to do the same.

What’s your favorite thing about working at SAP?
I love telling our amazing customer stories to people who aren’t familiar with SAP. My favorite story is about how the City of Boston used HANA to improve how their local government interacted with their constituents. People who weren’t familiar with SAP always get the right impression of what we do as a company–improve the lives of others with technology.

What’s something not many people would know about you?
In high school I was on the track team and I ran the hurdle events, which is surprising because I’m 5’1”. I started out as a sprinter but then my friend decided to try hurdles, so that meant I had to try hurdles, too. I kept with hurdles all throughout high school and was good enough to qualify for the state track meet a few times!

What are your hidden talents?
I have a photographic memory–it’s rather selective, but it’s still useful. Since a very young age my time to shine was when my family and I would leave a mall, or a really big sporting event and we couldn’t remember where the car was parked. I wish my photographic memory served me better on exams in college, but if we’re ever at a Beyoncé concert together and you can’t find your car I’m pretty handy!

What are you passionate about at SAP?
I love the work environment and culture of SAP. Last October, I led a volunteer project for Month of Service. Month of Service really helps you to reflect on yourself while bonding with teammates and colleagues.

What’s your favorite thing about working at SAP?
The people. Being a transplant from New York, I didn't have a support system out here. My team has become that support for me.

What’s your favorite hobby?
I absolutely love Bikram Yoga. I practice everyday. It's such an intense workout mind and body in 105 degrees. I try to recruit anyone I can talk to about it. Let me know if you’d like to join!

If you could travel back in time, which year would you travel to and why?
I always felt I was born in the wrong generation. I would love to travel back to the 60s. The 60s was so transformative politically, culturally, and socially. I would have loved to witness Jackie Kennedy's style and grace.

What are you passionate about at SAP?
My work as a lead performance engineer. The performance engineering group led by Erica Leung is a unique group and we interact with all the pillars of the HCM software. As part of my job, I touch upon the performance aspects of the various software layers. I am passionate about my job because of the immediate impact it has on customer satisfaction, end user perception of the product, customer wins, and renewals.

What’s your favorite thing about working at SAP?
SAP offers a broad platform for individual growth, opportunities for volunteering, and organizing events. This enables me to bring out my multi-dimensional personality. Each of these dimensions enhances my productivity and contribution to SAP.

What’s your favorite hobby?
My favorite hobby is definitely writing poems. I have already written half a dozen poems since joining SAP. They are about the workplace, nature of work, daily life, etc. They are all well received by my teammates and colleagues. In fact, here’s one I wrote recently:

SAPsv Charter
Task is big
Ask is simple
Enhance engagement
Find friends
Rope in relatives
Volunteer in volume
See the spectacular results
You won’t believe yourself!

What are your hidden talents?
My hidden talent has got to be the ability to connect with people. My approach in life is to always encourage the positives and downplay the negatives in either people or situations. For this simple reason, I have developed an inclusive personality which I believe is a winner.