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With SAP taking over Emarsys in Covid times, many of us started thinking how it is going to impact the Tech world around us be it a Solution Architect, SME, Business owner, CX expert or Sales folks.

Official News-

Fascinated by CX and technology world and I am bringing up a short intro to the solution, which shall help you to start with.




What is Emarsys Customer Engagement Platform ?

A Marketing platform using customer data to provide automation, personalization and omnichannel campaigns.


What is does ?

Customer Data Platform collects data from Web events, Mobile events, Catalog, Customer DB, Ecommerce platforms, API and external data sources.

It processes the fully integrated customer data to perform Customer segmentation, Personalization, Analytics & feeds it to AI for calculations. Which results better analytics and more control over the business using ML.


What are the Key Capabilities of solution ?

  • Customer Engagement Platform

  • Automation

  • Reporting & Strategic Dashboards

  • Loyalty Wallet

  • AI Marketing

just to name a few..

*Personally, loyalty seems to be interesting as after SAP CRM loyalty & getting retired in 2018 I could not find much in (Hybris) SAP Commerce or SAP Marketing.

Here you can set up the loyalty program, Reward Points, Profiles and manage the solution. 

Loyalty screen


How it works ?

For an example, a Business user is looking forward to increase market share or to reduce the customer Churn by offering some discounts.

User goes on Strategic Dashboards and chooses “Get better results with Tactics” feature. System provides recommended Tactics (prebuild programs with nodes) to engage the customer at various entry points such as Email, Web channel & CRM Ads.


Tactics can be used for automations in Program

Tactics Automation

🙂 Yes !! it looks similar to SAP Marketing Campaign Automation.


How does it feel like ?

A sample web channel Campaign in system


How to integrate ?

It supports API for consuming the data and has prebuild integrations with Hybris, Shopify, Salesforce, Magento. WEB data collections

To query and export the data from Emarsys such as Email, Web , SMS, mobile app behaviour and response data as a feed to other system Google Cloud platform plugin can be used.


How to get trained  ?

:) let's wait for SAP to come up with some courses and certifications.

Before acquisition Emarsys have been training and certifying on three levels.

* Emarsys Marketing Platform Expert

* Emarsys Marketing Platform Master

* Emarsys Marketing Platform Professional

P.S. Image & information credit to Please refer to  SAP’ or Emarsys official website for any doubts/clarifications.
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Thanks for the introduction Deepak!

You'll be happy to know that we (ex-)Emartians are now getting up to speed with the SAP Community and will start to post more content here in the coming months.

Since you mentioned Emarsys, COVID and the Tech world in your opening paragrpah, you might want to sign up for our second annual digital festival in June - Retail Revival. This is a 3-day event bringing together industry leaders and experts to bring you the strategies, tactics, and insights you need to guarantee ROI in this evolving, customer-focused world.

You can now also follow the tag SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement to keep up with the new content, and of course please feel free to post any additional questions - I'll make sure they get answered!