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APPLY FILTER to table programatically in WEBUI

0 Kudos

Hi All,

I have a requirement to apply filter to service contract items programatically on click of a button.

For ex:

1) there are five items in the service contract, we have a process of generating versions for each item which will be stored in a Z table ( item 1, 2, 3 may belong to version 1 and 4, 5 belongs to version 2 )

2) i have a drop down field in the details screen which show the avialable item versions

3) i have a button in the table toolbar called Show versions

4) when we select the version in the drop down and click show version button then the items belonging to those version should be shown in the item view. In our case if i select version 1 and click show version , only three items should be shown in the item view.

5) This is similar to the standard filter option but the standard filter does not allow filter on multiple values.

I have two question.

a) How to bring the standard filter functionality programatiicaly?

b) Can we filter based on multiple values( ex: item 10,20,30 ).

Thanks & Regards,

Rajanidhi Rajasekeran.

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Former Member
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HI Rajanidhi,

Ok, I understand. To cater your needs, you need to create new button, on clicking of this button, should throw a pop-up with values on desired column list from the table. Should has to provide multiple select options. Based on the user input the actual table data needs to be altered.

To achieve all this you need to be familar with BSP wrk Bench. Please follow the articles given in crm wiki


Cheers, Satish

0 Kudos

Hi Satish,

Thanks for your reply..

All you have suggested is already done. I have mentioned this in my post itself. I don't want to remove the entity from the collection wrapper, i have to only filter it.

Anyways i have given a alternate solution by highlighting the items belonging to the version..

Thanks & Regards,

Rajanidhi Rajasekeran.

0 Kudos

Closing the thread. Solved myself by giving other option.

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have same requirement. How did you solve this? Please share your thoughts or code.

Former Member
0 Kudos

CRM 7.0 provides by default the filering option on a table view.

Please check it out.


0 Kudos

Hi satish,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes there is a filter option by default but you can filter based on one value only,

for example, i can filter item number field either by 10 or 20 0r 30 but my requirement is to filter by 10,20,30 together at the same time.

i.e, if i have 10 items, i want to see only 5 items and this has to be done by clicking a custom button.

Thanks & Regards,

Rajanidhi Rajasekeran.