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Error while starting a campaign in SMC platform - CEC-MKT.CPG-DBF"

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While trying to start a campaign after following all necessary actions I get the error messege - " create a messege on component CEC-MKT.CPG-DBF" I am not able to figure out how to resolve this problem. Any help ?

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Hello Munmi,

Is this the complete error message your are seeing? Most likely it also mentioned something like "Incomplete Configurations [...]". If it is the case, please simply create an incident (as per the error message), and the support team will take a closer look at your system.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos


I am trying to craete campaigns and other related actions inside the trial platform (as I am learning on my own). Inside the trial platform , i have successfully created segments, email campaigns and completed the campaign flow . However, while trying to start the campaign I am always getting error.

Incomplete configurations; create a message on component CEC-MKT-CPG-DBF.

Now my question is , is it an error of the trial platform or I am missing something? I have checked multiple times but all settings seems correct.

Thank you ,



If this is in the trial platform then of course the issue is in the trial platform and now with your config. So you need to inform SAP via ticket on component CEC-MKT-CPG-DBF to fix it for trial system as well.

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This error appears due to some error in the data buffer config which is SAP managed component. Hence as mentioned in the error message, pls open a ticket to CEC-MKT-CPG-DBF.