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Score Builder use for Accounts?

Active Contributor


I'm trying to create a score with the Score Builder on account level.

But whatever attribute I try to use, it seems that only Contacts are getting the points, even when using Interaction related attributes...

Isn't it possible to use the Score builder to make scores on account level?

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Hi Joyca,

As my earlier answer was not helpful, could you please elaborate further your query?



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Hi Kunal,

See below.

I started out exactly as you did, and in the Score Builder made a score on the "all accounts & contacts" segmentation profile.

It's when I add rules based on scoring attributes, and then use the score in segmentation, that I notice that the score is always "blank" for all my accounts. Only for my contacts, scores are getting populated.

Even when I make a rule like "count of interactions is less than 1 where interaction reason is soft bounce due to api key error" or someting like that, something that should be true for everyone, both accounts and contacts alike.

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Hello Joyca,

the Score Builder does not support scores on account-level, but only on contact-level. This is the reason, why a score on segmentation object "Accounts and Contacts" only calculates the score for contacts, but not for accounts. For the segmentation object "Accounts" you even cannot create a score, as no Segmentation Profile based on pure Account object is offered on the create-screen.

To enable the Score Builder for account scores would be a larger investment at SAP Marketing Cloud side. This is currently not on the SMC roadmap. An influencer request is already in place (link) with status "not planned".

The only option to realize an Account Score in SMC would be to create a Custom Predictive Scenario with type 'externally calculated' Online-Help, calculate the score externally from SMC (based on SMC-extracted data) and push the score values back to SMC using the Score API.

Best regards, Carsten

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carsten.heuer1, thank you for your clear reply before regarding account-level scores.

However, I was now wondering whether it is possible to use account-level fields, for a contact-level score.

The case is the following: I want to calculate a lead score, based on some input the contact has given through a Form/Landing Page which is available on a trade fair. But, it is possible that there is a match on email address, and it actually concerns an existing customer. However, the info whether this is an existing customer, is found on account level.

So, in my lead score, I wanted to add something like if "buying_customer" is X, then change the score with 100 or something. But I cannot find that buying_customer field. (actually I do find it because it is on the business context "Contact and Corporate Account", but it is only listed in the score rule builder on the contact level, not on the account level).