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In the complex landscape of software development, the Open Component Model (OCM) offers a practical and efficient solution for the delivery of software artifacts. As an open standard, OCM provides a reliable method for the creation and handling of so-called software bills of delivery (SBOD). The term SBOD refers to a structured file which contains comprehensive information about a specific version of a software delivery, in the form of its software components, the required technical artifacts, dependency information, the relationships between referenced components, as well as other additional metadata. Software bills of delivery should become a crucial part of software delivery, and the OCM enhances its utility in the overall lifecycle management process.

One of the key features of OCM is its technology-agnostic and machine-readable format used to define an SBOD. This characteristic allows it to be used with a variety of technologies, enhancing its utility in the software delivery process. The machine-readable format also facilitates automation and integration with other tools, which can help to streamline the delivery process and reduce the potential for human error.

In today's digital world, ensuring the security of software artifacts is a significant concern. OCM addresses this by providing signing capabilities to generate verifiable digests of the content. This feature helps to ensure the integrity and authenticity of software artifacts, providing an additional layer of security during the delivery process.

OCM also offers the ability to transport resource contents to any environment. Whether you deploy to a public cloud, on-premises, or an air-gapped environment, OCM can accommodate these needs. This flexibility can simplify the deployment (and delivery!) of components into any environment, allowing developers to concentrate on creating secure software.

Furthermore, OCM includes built-in integration with Flux, which enables the automation of component deployment through GitOps. This integration supports streamlining the deployment process, promoting consistency and reliability. By automating the deployment process, companies can reduce the time and resources spent on manual deployments, allowing them to focus on creating high-quality software.

In the context of DevSecOps, OCM's features align well with the key benefits of this approach. DevSecOps integrates security practices throughout the software development lifecycle, and OCM's signing capabilities support this by ensuring the integrity and authenticity of software artifacts. Emphasis on automation in DevSecOps is mirrored in OCM's machine-readable format and built-in Flux integration, which streamline and automate the software delivery process. The culture of shared responsibility promoted by DevSecOps is also reflected in OCM's ability to foster collaboration between different teams and technologies.

Speaking of potential collaboration between teams, organizations and even companies, re-use components described with OCM are ready for secure consumption and immediate integration by higher level components (or products). Linking to trusted and already attested components can spawn across different teams within the organization. This directly improves efficiency (cf. package models of Maven or NPM). With 3rd parties also modeling components with OCM, a commercial contract can cover the necessary technical trust outside of your own organization.

OCM also enables the shift-left of metadata for later usage in compliance and operational purposes. For example, components can include CVE vector adjustment information, which can be used in automated triaging. Furthermore, components can also include or link to OSCAL policies for use during runtime. This aligns with the DevSecOps principle of early risk mitigation, where vulnerabilities can be addressed at the earliest stages of software development, reducing the likelihood of security incidents.

Even complex products can be described by a signed graph of OCM components. All artifacts referenced by such an OCM graph can be securely and consistently transported to a new environment, as well as the OCM graph itself, without invalidating its signature. In a delivery scenario, OCM presents itself like a signed software bundle or package and inserts itself as an operational source of truth for release trains/channels. This supports the DevSecOps principle of continuous and secure delivery, where software components can be delivered and deployed rapidly and securely.

In conclusion, the Open Component Model offers a practical and efficient solution for secure software delivery. By adopting OCM, companies can enhance their software delivery process and navigate the complexities of software development more effectively. As technology continues to evolve, tools like OCM will play a crucial role in shaping the future of software delivery, particularly in the context of DevSecOps.

To find out more, check out the official website at
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