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Automate adding SSL certificate from OS without steps in SAP

0 Kudos

I have a certificate that needs to go into 22 SAP servers. I wrote a script that adds the certificate to the pse on the 22 servers using ...

sapgenpse maintain_pk -a mycert.cer -p SAPSSLA.pse

... but then I have to logon to 22 SAP systems and click "distribute" in strustsso2 which isn't very automated. How can I add the certificate with less pain?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Jordan.

You can check with SAP support they may give somw idea about the importing the SSL certifitation.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Is it possible to do the "distribute" at the OS level? I am not aware of such a command but if so, we can write a quick script to cover all 22 servers. I am not sure whether such an OS command exists, however. If you let me know, then i can work with you on how to do the SSH key exchange between Linux or Windows servers.