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SAP TechEd 2023 is just around the corner and is set to be a hub of valuable insights, innovative strategies, and best practices for Enterprise Architects involved in the SAP ecosystem. In particular, this virtual conference will focus on the value and capabilities of SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP), an integral component of a SAP Customers enterprise architecture.

The conference features sessions spanning diverse themes such as strategy, extensibility, integration, analytics/data, and of course AI. Below, we have curated a list of 20 sessions to help EAs fully leverage the potential of SAP BTP in their organizations.

Before I get to the details, here is a call out to the 3 must watch Keynote sessions that you can watch live, or on-demand, throughout the duration of the conference or on-demand following.

AI will be the focus of both the Business Application Keynote and the Executive Keynote, while you can expect a lot of knowledge sharing and from the Developer Advocates team in the Developer Keynote.


1. SAP BTP Strategy and Innovation Highlights - XP111v - This session promises a holistic understanding of the strategic direction, recent improvements, and the future roadmap of SAP BTP. Enterprise Architects will gain vital insights into the capabilities and potential of SAP BTP, which is crucial for planning and decision-making processes.

2. Guidance and Best Practices for SAP BTP and Beyond - XP107v - This session equips Enterprise Architects with essential assets such as reference architectures and guidance documents that can inform their strategies around data analytics, extensibility, and integration. This can lead to faster, more informed decisions, driving superior business outcomes.

3. Connect and Automate Your Business Processes with SAP Integration Suite - IN100v - This session demonstrates how SAP Integration Suite can streamline and automate processes across SAP and third-party applications. Enterprise Architects will learn how to implement a robust integration strategy using SAP BTP, unlocking the full potential of their enterprise.

4. Embrace Event-Driven Architecture with SAP Integration Suite - IN127v - In this session, Enterprise Architects will understand the growing significance of event-driven architectures (EDAs) in modern enterprise architecture. Apart from technical aspects, the session highlights the business value of EDAs, illustrating how they can create unified experiences across organizations using SAP Integration Suite's advanced event mesh.

5. Advance Your Process Transformation with Enterprise Automation - AD101v - This session explores the power of enterprise automation, illustrating how AI-powered tools can integrate applications, discover process inefficiencies, and automate processes across heterogeneous enterprise environments. Enterprise Architects will learn how successful adoption of enterprise automation can increase standardization, reduce total cost of ownership (TCO), and accelerate value delivery.

6. Accelerate Development with SAP BTP to Extend Across SAP Solutions - AD125v - Here, Enterprise Architects will gain insights into SAP's comprehensive set of development tools that enable the extension of SAP applications. The session emphasizes the importance of understanding how SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) complements and supports all SAP Business Applications.

7. Power the Future of Your Business with Generative AI - AI102v - This session delves into the transformative potential of generative AI technology for the SAP Business AI portfolio. Enterprise Architects will learn how Generative AI can integrate with their existing technology stacks, leading to smarter, more autonomous AI capabilities.

8. Accelerate Process Analysis and Modeling with Generative AI - AI211v - This session explores the potential of generative AI in enhancing process management and analysis within an organization. It offers in-depth insights into the disruptive potential of large process models, which can help Enterprise Architects evaluate the implications of generative AI on their ongoing software investments.

9. Accelerate xP&A Deployments with SAP Analytics Cloud for Planning - DA101v - This session offers guidance on how to quickly deploy extended planning and analysis (xP&A) across an enterprise using SAP Analytics Cloud. The session underscores the importance of integrating AI and machine learning for accurate predictions and advanced simulations, enabling informed business decisions.

10. How to Plan and Execute Your SAP BW Transition to SAP Datasphere - DA201v - This session provides a clear path for Enterprise Architects to modernize their SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) application and maximize their investment in SAP Datasphere. It emphasizes the importance of SAP Datasphere as the natural next step in a post-BW future.


11. Get Hands-On Security Recommendations for Your SAP BTP Environment - XP185v - This practical session covers essential techniques to protect the SAP BTP environment against security threats. It provides a walkthrough of the latest security baseline documentation, helping Enterprise Architects to fortify their SAP BTP environment.

12. SAP BTP Solution Diagrams - XP286v - This session provides tools for visualizing best practices and architectures of solutions running on SAP BTP. Enterprise Architects will gain insights into how to represent their SAP BTP solutions within their broader enterprise architecture.

13. Delve into ABAP Cloud on SAP BTP, ABAP Environment - AD181v - This session provides a deep dive into the ABAP RESTful application programming model and its role in building transactional apps and services on SAP BTP and SAP S/4HANA. It highlights the importance of ABAP cloud in maintaining a clean core, crucial for every Enterprise Architect managing SAP responsibilities.

Voice of the Customer:

14. Identity and Access Management for SAP BTP: Bosch Shares Lessons Learned - XP106v - This session presents the insights of Robert Bosch GmbH's implementation of SAP Cloud Identity Services. It allows Enterprise Architects to learn from real-life examples and best practices of a global customer's approach to implementing a comprehensive identity and access management strategy.

15. How Florida Crystals Explores Extensibility Options to Keep the Core Clean - AD109v - This session explores Florida Crystals' approach towards customizing SAP solutions to suit its business needs without compromising the integrity and stability of its ERP core. It highlights how low-code can augment existing enterprise architectures to realize business value more quickly.

16. ZoomInfo's Journey into Financial Integration with Stripe and SAP BTP - XP128v - This session offers a detailed look into how ZoomInfo integrated Stripe with SAP solutions using SAP BTP. It provides a blueprint of successful integration, showcasing how SAP BTP can act as the connective tissue between business applications and the partner ecosystem.

Voice of Partner

17. Comprehensive Data Governance with SAP Datasphere and Collibra - DA104v - This session, presented in partnership between SAP and Collibra NV, highlights the potential of a unified data catalog between SAP and non-SAP sources, enriching the SAP Datasphere solution.

18. Navigate Your SAP S/4HANA Transformation with LeanIX and SAP BTP - XP126v - This session outlines how LeanIX and integrated solutions from SAP BTP can empower organizations to navigate complex SAP S/4HANA transformations. It provides key insights for Enterprise Architects planning to modernize their enterprise architecture with digital transformation.

19. Accelerate Databricks Projects with Semantically Rich SAP Data - DA103v - Led by Databricks, this session discusses the advantages of integrating SAP Datasphere with the Databricks Lakehouse platform. It demonstrates how this integration simplifies access to semantically rich SAP data for analytics and machine learning use cases.

Honorable Mention:

20. Transitioning to SAP Cloud ERP - DT100v - This session offers insights into transitioning to SAP S/4HANA Cloud, outlining possible migration paths, decision criteria, and planning aspects. It provides Enterprise Architects with ideas for sketching out a future state and a roadmap on how to get there.


Bonus Tip:

Start learning now! SAP Certification exam discount

Don’t forget! Your virtual SAP TechEd registration entitles you to a 25% discount on SAP Certification exams including the new SAP Enterprise Architect Certification. You can begin learning now and prepare for an SAP Certification. Use campaign code TECHED2023GETCERTIFIEDMore details


In conclusion, SAP TechEd Virtual 2023 promises to be an enriching experience packed with extensive learning and networking opportunities for all Enterprise Architects. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned professional, the conference is set to equip you with a wealth of knowledge and practical skills to make the most of SAP BTP.

The sessions mentioned in this guide represent just a fraction of what the conference has to offer, all contributing to improve your understanding of SAP BTP's capabilities and the immense value it brings to Enterprise Architecture.

I hope you can join me in these sessions live or definitely check them out on-demand. Watch for follow up conversations in the SAP Community Enterprise Architecture Group.

Register Today - Its virtual and its free!

Active Contributor

Thanks Paul, great summary & very useful information ! 👋

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

@PaulKurchina : Thanks for taking out the time to accumulate these lectures & sessions. Really helpful 👍



Thank you Paul, your sessions selection for architects is of great help

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi everyone, 
I'd like to add the following two sessions:

The 45 minutes lecture in Bangalore covers the SAP's integration strategy around integrated business stratey, suite qualities, and integration suite. In addition, the lecture gives an overview on the SAP EA Framework and reference architectures.

There is also a shorter lecture in the virtual Teched:AndreasPoth_1-1697455402783.png
Add to schedule.

Make sure you don't miss it.

Best regards,




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

A comprehensive and well-written summary! Thanks @Paul and James Rapp!

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