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Hello everyone and welcome to my blog post on the Partner Function in Project Systems. In this blog you will learn how to assign multiple partners to the Projects


In Projects there are various people involved. This may include the project managers, project owners, Store Keepers, Finance Personnel and etc. Normally most consultants use "Pers. Resp.No." (VERNR) field in CJ20n to maintain this information. However, the requirements is to add multiple ids with different roles. This is where the concept of Partner Function in Project Systems comes in place.

1 - Define Partner Determination Procedures and Roles:

First we will define the Partner definition in T-Code: OPSPAR1. SAP has provided Pre-Defined Partner Functions, however, you add more as per the business requirement. In the screen, we will define the function as Personnel No, Organizational Unit and etc.

2 - Partner Schema for WBS

Assign the Partner Functions to the Schema via T-Code: OPSPAR3.

3 - Assign the Partner Determination Procedure to the Project Profile:

When defining the Project Profile via T-Code: OSPA, you need to mention the Partner Schema which you defined above.

4 - Table View: V_TCSCR_PSP

Ensure that the layout Tab for the Partner is enabled

5 - Field Selection for the Partner Determination

Ensure that the field selection option for the Partner Determination is active in T-Code: OPUJ

6 - View in the Project Definition

After completing the above configurations, in CJ20n ensure that the Partner Determination Procedure is assigned in the "Control Tab" of the Project Definition then you will be able to view the "Partner Tab" as shown below:


I hope that I am able to share my knowledge with you all and I wish you best of luck for implementing this functionality on your projects.

Best Regards,

Anss Shahid
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Good blog for aspirants who wants to learn sap ps..You could have demonstrated a test case along with these configuration steps...
We have been using the Partner Functions quite extensively to identify our Project Organization, and  these are supporting the workflow processes.  We mainly use the Type PE & US to specify named individuals on the projects.

We have with some groups, that they have moved to a non-human email address (group mail) in the company -- and then there is a pool of people that can equally take up the workflow task.  However I don't have any experience with using the MA type - for an email address.

Can you explain how the MA-type works, is there any difference with it?  I suppose we would just create a new partner code as type MA, and then in the project we could simply add in the non-human mail address assignment as needed.    Any other guidance?   Would the workflow process be able to use this mail address equally for whomever picks up the item?
0 Kudos
Have you tried the MA role? I also want to use it. I'm going to use the mail group. When the MA role is selected, from which table does the mails reach?
0 Kudos
Hi Goks -- no we have not yet tried it.

I don't understand your question  "...from which table does the mails reach?"   The mail address would be assigned in the project partner itself .. it is not coming from another table.  I would hope that the MA would just allow you to assign an email address as the partner.

Else can you clarify your question?
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