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Business Partner implementation is one of the largest work packages in many S/4HANA Conversion (pre-)projects. Therefore, SAP is expanding the toolbox to support customers with this transition (e.g. CVI Cockpit as announced in 2832085 - New Central Cockpit for Customer Vendor Integration (CVI) to Business Partner).

However, some analysis aspects are not covered out of the box yet.

A special topic is linked Customers & Vendors that should become one Business Partner (BP). From my point of view, this is the biggest conceptual benefit of using Business Partners.

Aspects to be considered are

  1. Which numbers are overlapping (same for customer & vendor), but not linked?
    -> These are most likely independent entities.
    -> How much exist? Who is affected?
    -> Based on that information, decide how to move forward (e.g. use the same numbers for BP and customers/vendors, create new ones, use a prefix etc..)

  2. Which entities are linked multiple times?
    -> only 1:1 links are possible. E.g. you cannot link one customer with two vendors.
    -> identify multiple links and determine correct ones.
    -> de-linked incorrect links.

  3. Customers & Vendors to be linked need to have the same general data (ADRC)
    -> 2716945 - CVI: Consistency error - Message no. R1367 points out the fields that need to be aligned
    -> manually this is very cumbersome and error prone
    -> some fields like LANGU_CR cannot even be changed in the UI

Some of these questions can be answered with simple queries easily, other ones are a bit trickier.

It makes sense to create a report to support the process, because a couple of iterations and business involvement are required.


The report does not change any data, it is only for analysis purposes.

REPORT ztbcvi_prechk.

PARAMETERS: p_equal TYPE xflag RADIOBUTTON GROUP r1, "Which numbers are overlapping, but not linked with each other?
p_ref TYPE xflag RADIOBUTTON GROUP r1, "Which entites are linked multiple times?
p_r1367 TYPE xflag RADIOBUTTON GROUP r1 DEFAULT 'X'. "2716945 - CVI: Consistency error - Message no. R1367


IF p_equal = abap_true.
PERFORM same_number_no_link.

ELSEIF p_ref = abap_true.
PERFORM multi_links.

ELSEIF p_r1367 = abap_true.
PERFORM missmatch_general_data.


FORM multi_links.

SELECT k~kunnr,
l~name1 AS lif_name1,
k~name1 AS kun_name1,
k~loevm AS kun_loevm,
l~loevm AS lif_loevm,
' ' as multi
FROM lfa1 AS l
INNER JOIN kna1 AS k ON l~kunnr = k~kunnr
SELECT k~kunnr,
l~name1 AS lif_name1,
k~name1 AS kun_name1,
k~loevm AS kun_loevm,
l~loevm AS lif_loevm,
' ' as multi
FROM kna1 AS k
INNER JOIN lfa1 AS l ON k~lifnr = l~lifnr

DATA(cpy_linked_cv) = linked_CVs.

LOOP AT cpy_linked_cv TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WHERE kunnr = <li>-kunnr AND lifnr <> <li>-lifnr.
<li>-multi = abap_true.
LOOP AT linked_CVs TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WHERE kunnr <> <li>-kunnr AND lifnr = <li>-lifnr.
<li>-multi = abap_true.

cl_demo_output=>display( cpy_linked_cv ).
FORM missmatch_general_data.
TYPES: BEGIN OF output_structure,
tablename TYPE tabname,
fieldname TYPE feldname,
kunnr TYPE kunnr,
kun_loevm TYPE loevm,
kun_field TYPE char100,
lifnr TYPE lifnr,
lif_loevm TYPE loevm,
lif_field TYPE char100,
END OF output_structure.

DATA: difference_cv TYPE output_structure,
differences_cv TYPE TABLE OF output_structure,
venddescr TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,
custdescr TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr.

<vend_comp> TYPE abap_compdescr,
<cust_comp> TYPE abap_compdescr,
<vend_field> TYPE any,
<cust_field> TYPE any.

SELECT k~kunnr,
k~loevm AS kun_loevm,
l~loevm AS lif_loevm,
k~adrnr AS cust_adrnr,
l~adrnr AS vend_adrnr
FROM lfa1 AS l
INNER JOIN kna1 AS k ON l~kunnr = k~kunnr
SELECT k~kunnr,
k~loevm AS kun_loevm,
l~loevm AS lif_loevm,
k~adrnr AS cust_adrnr,
l~adrnr AS vend_adrnr
FROM lfa1 AS l
INNER JOIN kna1 AS k ON l~lifnr = k~lifnr

* compare address data
SELECT SINGLE * FROM adrc WHERE addrnumber = @<link>-cust_adrnr INTO @DATA(cust_adrc).
SELECT SINGLE * FROM adrc WHERE addrnumber = @<link>-vend_adrnr INTO @DATA(vend_adrc).

* Initialize data not to be compared.
CLEAR: vend_adrc-adrc_uuid, cust_adrc-adrc_uuid,
vend_adrc-addrnumber, cust_adrc-addrnumber,
vend_adrc-date_from, cust_adrc-date_from,
vend_adrc-nation, cust_adrc-nation,
vend_adrc-fax_number, cust_adrc-fax_number ,
vend_adrc-fax_extens, cust_adrc-fax_extens,
vend_adrc-flagcomm2, cust_adrc-flagcomm2,
vend_adrc-flagcomm3, cust_adrc-flagcomm3,
vend_adrc-flagcomm4, cust_adrc-flagcomm4,
vend_adrc-flagcomm5, cust_adrc-flagcomm5,
vend_adrc-flagcomm6, cust_adrc-flagcomm6,
vend_adrc-flagcomm7, cust_adrc-flagcomm7,
vend_adrc-flagcomm8, cust_adrc-flagcomm8,
vend_adrc-flagcomm9, cust_adrc-flagcomm9,
vend_adrc-flagcomm10, cust_adrc-flagcomm10,
vend_adrc-flagcomm11, cust_adrc-flagcomm11,
vend_adrc-flagcomm12, cust_adrc-flagcomm12,
vend_adrc-flagcomm13, cust_adrc-flagcomm13,
vend_adrc-tel_number, cust_adrc-tel_number,
vend_adrc-tel_extens, cust_adrc-tel_extens.

venddescr ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( vend_adrc ).
ASSIGN vend_adrc TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<vend>).

custdescr ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( vend_adrc ).
ASSIGN cust_adrc TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<cust>).

* compare fields
IF vend_adrc <> cust_adrc.
LOOP AT venddescr->components ASSIGNING <vend_comp>.
LOOP AT custdescr->components ASSIGNING <cust_comp> WHERE name = <vend_comp>-name.
ASSIGN COMPONENT <vend_comp>-name OF STRUCTURE <vend> TO <vend_field>.
ASSIGN COMPONENT <cust_comp>-name OF STRUCTURE <cust> TO <cust_field>.
IF <cust_field> <> <vend_field>.
CLEAR difference_cv.
difference_cv-tablename = 'ADRC'.
difference_cv-fieldname = <vend_comp>-name.
difference_cv-kunnr = <link>-kunnr.
difference_cv-kun_loevm = <link>-kun_loevm.
difference_cv-kun_field = <cust_field>.
difference_cv-lifnr = <link>-lifnr.
difference_cv-lif_loevm = <link>-lif_loevm.
difference_cv-lif_field = <vend_field>.
APPEND difference_cv TO differences_cv.

cl_demo_output=>display( differences_cv ).
FORM same_number_no_link.

SELECT k~kunnr,
k~loevm AS kun_loevm,
k~name1 AS kun_name1,
l~loevm AS lif_loevm,
l~name1 AS lif_name1,
FROM lfa1 AS l
INNER JOIN kna1 AS k ON l~kunnr <> k~kunnr AND l~lifnr = k~kunnr
INTO TABLE @DATA(same_number_no_link).

cl_demo_output=>display( same_number_no_link ).

Hope this report supports you in your transition to S/4HANA, good luck!

Best regards,

Active Contributor
Thanks for sharing but I don't quite understand the design of this report.

Why do you need to use the dictionary structures and a dynpro screen? Output can be handled by using SALV class. Actually there seems to be no need for ALV at all, from what I see, so this could be just data selection followed by cl_demo_output. We shouldn't be using routines anymore either. The ABAP team that is getting ready to move to S/4HANA should really stop writing programs like that, no matter if it's just a utility report.

It might be a good idea to post the code on Github where at least others could improve it. Please check Clean ABAP guidelines when you get a chance on how to create better programs.

Thank you.
0 Kudos
Thanks Jelena for taking your time to write your comment. I agree on your feedback and simplified some parts of the source code right away.

I did not yet see the big advantage of classes over routines for small utility reports, but maybe there is a point in creating a "good habit" for small reports as well. I did not refactor that part yet, as I want to have a look on how to share it via Github first.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks for an update! The code looks much better now.
0 Kudos
Thanks Franz !

very usefull indeed !

This kind of report should have already been part of the CVI cockpit pre-checks...
0 Kudos
This is an excellent utility report - especially the R1367 option.

We adopted this code on our project and it really helped to provide the direction to cleanse these errors.


As a functional consultant I tried a few times to follow the method in OSS note = 3107769 - Consistency Error : Vendor> BP - R1367. I compared the structures in Debug as suggested.

Typically the difference  was not obvious to the naked eye and I ended up having to go one-by-one and download into excel and then compare if they were identical that way.   This also will not be practical for productive environments.

I believe your work  should be adopted by SAP into the CVI tooling, possibly enhancing with a direct change option to better automate the cleanse process.

Great blog.
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