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Overview of Software

the blog https://community.sap.com/t5/product-lifecycle-management-blogs-by-members/new-sap-ehs-management-fo... is partially outdated.

Still people are using terms which are not easy to map with a software delivered by SAP.

A very good overview regarding the change in SAP software: you can find in this blog: https://community.sap.com/t5/product-lifecycle-management-blogs-by-members/history-of-sap-product-co...

Here a further old solution is listed (which might still be used by somebody): the so called "CfP" solution (Compliance for Products).

Overall: SAP is on track to build a new "EHS universe" based on SAP ERP HANA / SAP Fiori.

If you are looking more high level... the new product called "SAP Enterprise Product Development" could be of interest for you as well (e.g. check may be this blog as a starter; https://community.sap.com/t5/product-lifecycle-management-blogs-by-sap/product-documentation-and-use...)

But let us start now.

R/3 Situation

As long as you use R/3 you can use these software components:


SAP calls this: Environment, Health and Safety

Then we have this software:


SAP calls this: Component Extension for SAP EHS Management

PAY ATTENTION. This piece of software contains this subcomponent: Product Compliance (EHS-MGM-PRC)


Then may be some companys is still using this software:


SAP calls this:

SAP Product and REACH Compliance


You should take care to use "correct" terms in communicating.

With R/3: we will not get any major updates of the existing software. Only if something like "REACh" might come in the next days but can not be supported by the current solutions: an investment by SAP will be done (assumption).

Now with S/4 we will get a different situation. (PAY ATTENTION AS WELL REGARDING "License Story". For this topic: ALWAYS GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR SAP ACCOUNT. They will explain to you: what License do you have? Is there the need to switch? etc.).

Important: Some components as part of the above listed software are not supported any more in a S/4 environment.

Not supported are:

SAP Product and REACH Compliance

and EHS Waste (Classic)

And EHS-IH as well.

With S/4 you can use the so called "compatibility" mode as the new software (e.g. Product Compliance) need still to grow.

The old EHS-OH solution (Occupational Solution) is only available with S/4 as an "add on". The "Waste" part will move to the new "EHS" software.

S/4 Situation

Compatibility Mode

If you just "migrate" so S/4 you can still use the old "EHS" functionality (with some exemptions). But SAP is doing a complete review of the software. As a consequence: we have now two new components:


SAP calls this: Product Compliance"

Regarding this solution: this blog is a "Must to Read" one: 


And we have this new software in the game (refer to this blog):


Which is as well called "Environment, Health and Safety".

So: because of the many terms.. you might get confused.

For both S/4 Software components: we have a "Roadmap" (check SAP Roadmap explorer to get insight about the releases to come).

If you use SAP software you need to select: should I use a "Cloud Variant" or a "On Premise" variant?

If you select the second one: then you will get now any 2 years a major update/upgrade of the solution. The next update/upgrade can be expected roughly november 2025.

As the new data structures are different (in comparison to EHS Classic) and as the integration to the logistic processes (SAP SD, MM, PP, eWM, TM, QM etc.)  is different: you should check the new software in the next years. The main reason is:

EHS Classic will get "out of support" in the future (Check SAP Marketplace to get more details or get in touch with your SAP Account).

So there is a clear need to move from "EHS Classic" to the new Product Compliance in the future. And you need may be to use the new "EHS" as well.


If you use "EHS Classic" you must move to "Product Compliance" at some point in time. There are many option to migrate. One example could be:

  1. Migrate first to S/4 and later to e.g. Product Compliance
  2. Migrate in one run from old situation to new situation
  3. and many other combinations

In both cases: a phase wise approach might make sense (to move e.g. company by company from one software to the new software).

What is clear..

  1. Change Management is huge ! to move from the old software to the new software (forget about "SAP Gui"; SAP Fiori is the User Interface)
  2. As the data structures are different: the Change impact (on user side but on IT side as well) is huge as well
  3. You need to migrate somehow the data (from old to new solution)
  4. Any many other challenges

So it is a good idea to prepare now for the future.

IMPORTANT: if you start to learn and grow with the new Product Compliance: you must understand the new concepts (you will find them in the so called "Foundation part" of SAP online help. If you have problems to get the story. STOP YOUR WORK. 

With out a good understanding rearding the "basics" (like: CCI (Chemical Compliance Information) , the role concept (something is purchased, sold, produced etc), the "Listed Substance" as well as the "Company Substance" etc. you will not find a solution based on your needs

With best wishes


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