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In order to get custom extensions out of the development system into others you need to transport them.

Transportation consists of export from the source system and import to the target system.


1. Open the extensibility application Export Software Collection

2. This Application shows the currently open transport Collection for newly developed extensions and the hotfix for already transported but changed extensions.
As both are not developer specific but exist for all current developments in the system, you might have to align with developers of other objects on the transportation.

3. In the Value Help for adding items you can use the search to reduce the number of offered objects.
It is recommended to search for the developer name, so that also items that you were not aware of can be put to the collection.

4. Start exporting the collection.

5. Confirm the final pop up for export.



1. In the target system open application "Import Software Collection".

2. Select your collection and press "Import" action.

3. Confirm the final pop up for import.


SAP S/4HANA Extensibility Tutorial
0 Kudos
Hi Ulrike, nice blog,


Can I ask you a question?, maybe you know how to unlock system for Export Software Collection?


Im trying to export a custom field but always get an error message.  Export System is locked .


I would appreciate any idea that can help me


0 Kudos
Dear Jorge,
does the problem still occur?

I got following information from the experts.: In case you have a system landscape with a target system this issue should only occur during Hotfix Collection Deployments or Upgrades, but disappear once they have finished. If the issue has never disappeared, please open an incident.
If you have a Starter System without some other target system, transport is impossible.


0 Kudos
Can't I transport items between two different landscapes for instance?
Dear Alex,

transports are only allowed between Quality and Production systems.  A transport from Starter System is not allowed. To make aware of this fact, the extensibility needs to be activated in Starter Systems accepting this fact.

The only way to transfer items between different landscapes is via extensibility templates. These extensibility templates ensure a clash free transfer.  Extensibility templates are available for a  subset of extensibility item types.

Kind regards,


0 Kudos
Hi Ulrike, very interesting blog,

I have an issue with "Interactions Type" transportation created in "Manage your Solution" application.
-> Configure your solution -> / Marketing / Marketing -> Contacts And Profile -> 7. Manage Interaction Content.

I created some new "Interaction Type" for Trigger campaigns that work well in Q Tenant. I made the full transportation of Software Collection from Q to P, but the new "Interaction Type" wasn't created in P tenant and there isn't any error message.

Is there any additional process to transport this kind of data?




Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hello @ulrike.liebherr

Once a field is moved to production, is there any way we can find whether it is moved to production or not, later ?

Something similar to on-premise where we can click on any custom object's status using Utilities->Version->Version Management->then check TR status.

