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With more than over 1500 live customers on SAP S/4HANA since January 2018, the path to SAP S/4HANA via a System Conversion is a popular transition path for existing ERP customers. With a System Conversion approach, you can conduct a technical conversion project and adapt mandatory simplification/FI migration with subsequent projects to adapt new business process innovations at your own pace. Another approach for customers is to conduct a system conversion and additional/full business process transformation scope together to SAP S/4HANA. No matter what approach you decide, Fiori UX implementation should be considered and implemented alongside of the system conversion project to obtain the value of in memory computing, the digital core, and running a live business with SAP S/4HANA.

In our SAP S/4HANA Regional Implementation group, we have supported many System Conversion projects since the SAP S/4HANA 1511, 1610, and now 1709 releases. In this blog, a presentation was created to introduce you to: the SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA, System Conversion process, an example of a mock cutover for a system conversion, and an overview of a conversion project within a 4-tier system landscape.  The major point of the conversion process is practice makes a perfect conversion. Plan as many production test cycles as your project time line allows, ensure you test the production cutover like how it will be executed (e.g. Uptime Phase: implementation of precheck in production weeks in advance and business operation with precheck implemented and Downtime Phase: optimization of SUM activities and FIN migration), and freeze the software stack (e.g. SUM, HANA and S/4HANA) if possible after the development system conversion.

Link to document: SAP S/4HANA System Conversion Overview


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Hello Van,


thank you for the blog. Could you please explain, how to deal with a functionality, which has been used in ECC, but which should not be activated in S/4 Hana?

The result of the readiness check showed, that a customer used a functionality in ECC, however, this functionality is not anymore in active use. During the conversion, the customer wants to avoid, that the functions are activated in S/4.

Could you please briefly explain, how to select for S/4 Hana conversion only the requested functions, instead of converting those, which have been once used, but are not relevant for S/4 anymore.


Thank you and kind regards

Jutta Grosse Wichtrup