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If the issue occurs every time when creating sales document, then customizing setting should be checked first. Please use report check_cm in SE38 and refer to note 18613.typical questions:

Question 1: I didn't assign any credit control area for the payer, why the credit control area is determined for the sales order?
Answer: Please check steps 1-4 of note 18613. You may have maintained credit control area for the company code or sales area.
The priority for credit control area determination is->

  1. Userexit->if not used
  2. XD03->if blank
  3. OVFL->if blank
  4. OB38

Question 2: Why the sales order is not blocked although I get the information message saying "*** credit check: credit limit exceeded"?
Answer: Please check the setting in T-code OVA8.
Field "Reaction" and "Status/Block" must be set together.
If not, the sales order won't be blocked even when the credit check failed.

Question 3: What is the proper update group to be set in OB45?
Answer: Default setting for update group is 000012 (delivery-related billing)
Update group 000015 (only S067 will be updated: open delivery and open billing document value. This update group is relevant if the customer doesn't want sales orders to be relevant for the update. Do not use this update group with dynamic credit check since S066 is not updated)
Update group 000018 (only S067 will be updated: open delivery value and open billing document value. This update group is relevant for business processes without a delivery, for example third-party orders, credit memos...)

Question 4: I have set all the settings for credit check, however the credit value is not updated correctly, why?
Answer: The credit check and the update of the credit values are separate processes which are also controlled separately by the respective customizing:
1) credit check is controlled by transactions OVAK and OVA8. Relevant note 18613
2) update of the credit values is controlled by VOV7 or OVA7: "credit acttive" flag.

The 'Credit active' setting only affects the credit update of the SD credit values (open orders, open delivery and open billing documents). This flag has no control on the credit check. So if for an order type, there is no credit check in OVAK and OVA8 but the "credit active" flag is set for the item category, the order will update the credit values even if no credit check is performed for the  order.
If the flag "credit active" is not set, the system will not update the open credit values. On the other hand, the system ALWAYS updates the FI credit value 'Open receivable' when the billing document is transferred to Accounting. So, although you deactivated the "Credit active" flag in OVA7 or VOV7, such an item will increase the 'Open receivables' and thus the credit limit used when the corresponding billing document is posted to Accounting.

Former Member
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very intresting topic..

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear smile very good document

But i have one doubt ..suppose we have activated credit active check box so system automatically will update the values to accounting in this case by mistake we activated credit active check box and system is showing customer is blocked even he is not in credit limit

ex : customer credit limit  100000 rs and he used only 50000 rs but system blocked him

so in this case we have to use report in se38 rvkred77 and rvkred88  but here how to remove extra showing credit limit i mean system is showing extra limit used

How to remove

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear venu,

customer will be having open items having value which exceeds the credit limit

so that might be the cause for customer block of customer.

Pls check


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SAVE TO FAV. :smile:

Active Participant
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Good one,informative.