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Incoming inspection based on purchase order type

0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

Could anyone please let me know the way to generate Inspection lots based on the purchase order type.


We buy the material "A" from the vendor "V1" with purchase order type "NB Standard Order" and on posting the goods receipt (MIGO) a Inspection lot is generated with reference to plan "Plan 1" - which does 50% inspection.

Inspection setup for Material "A" -- Inspection type 01 - Goods receipt insp. for purchase order.

Now, we can return the same material "A" to the vendor "V1" for refurbishment through customized purchase order type "YDN Supplier return" and receive the material after refurbishment with MIGO. Here inspection lot is generated again with reference to plan "Plan 1".

But our requirement is that all the materials which are booked in through return Purchase Order should generated lots based on basis of new Inspection plan "Plan 2" where they need 100% inspection.

Thank you!!



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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You need to implement user exit QPAP0002 to influence the selection of the plan. I'd create an inspection plan usage to match the expected purchase order types. i.e. usage NB. Another plan usage of YDN. In the exit check the order type, change the usage from the default usage ot usage NB for YDN. The exit should then reassign the appropriate plan.

0 Kudos

Thanks Craig for your response.

After going through your suggestions I have the below queries.

1. You mentioned to implement the user exit QPAP0002 for plan assignment to lot based on the Purchase order type but here if we use the same Inspection type(01 - Goods receipt insp. for purchase order) for both the order types then in some cases we don't need inspection for normal Purchase order type (NB) but only for return purchase order type(YDN). How can we differentiate inspection activation for return purchase order and not for normal purchase order? So, for this differentiation I have created new inspection type(ZReturnPO) which is a copy of inspection type (01) and used the user exit QAAT0001 for selecting the Inspection type based on the purchase order type and it creates the lots based on inspection setup activation in QM view of material master. Is it the right approach?

2. In our scenario, for the inspection on return purchase order(type YDN) we need 100% inspection for all the materials. So, Could you please let me if there is any possibility in standard to create a inspection lot with 100% inspection for all materials on which inspection type(ZReturnPO) is active and able to do the results recording without creating a new inspection plan for 100% inspection.

For this issue in the inspection type(ZReturnPO), I have checked for 100% inspection with DMR and lot got created with status 'REL CALC SPRQ QLCH PRSI' but the results recording is not possible as the characteristics are not maintained for the lot. So, Could you please let me know is it possible maintain the characteristics based on inspection type.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Rajani,

As per my knowledge..

During inspection lot creation system will validate the inspection plan details with material and Plant, Vendor combination.

if there are 2 plans with same usage 5 (Goods receipt) and same material , Plant, Vendor combination then system will check the validity of the plan then it will consider the FIFO Basis..

if you want to consider the plan 2..

suggest the business to assign the plan through below process

Go to QA02 -- Inspection specification --Task list / Spec. then ask them to select the plan number 2

and save the lot

hope this might have some manual intervention..

aslo try with technical team is there any possibility for enhancement


Venkatesh Babu..

0 Kudos

Hi Venkatesh Babu,

Thanks for sharing your views.

I knew about the issue with the above approach, like lot is created without the plan assignment.

Could you please let me know about how the inspection is carried out on vendor returns and if material number is same during the purchase and vendor returns.

