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Is it possible to auto-populate Incoterms on a PO?

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In Maintain Business Partner -->  Supplier role --> Purchasing Data tab there is a field called Incoterms.  I have selected a value in this field, and typed a value into the subsequently required Incoterms Location 1 field below it, expecting that this would result in the Incoterms field being auto-populated when entering a PO for this Supplier using Create Purchase Order Advanced.  However, the Incoterms field is not being auto-populated at PO entry.

If the Incoterms field in the Supplier master record does not result in auto-populating the field when entering a PO, what is it used for?

Is it possible to have the Incoterms field auto-populated during PO entry?  Does it require a Purchasing Info Record?

Thank you.

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Hi rabraham ,

In addition to maintaining incoterms details in supplier master, you need to add fields incoterms, Incoterms Version, Incoterms Location 1... in personal settings -> default settings.

In create purchase order advanced app -> Personal settings -> default settings -> add incoterms fields.

Open either create purchase order advanced app or Manage purchase order app, you can now see incoterms fields defaulted with values maintained in supplier master.

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Thank you, Hemashree.

If a user goes to Personal Settings --> Default Settings within the PO Advanced app and adds an Incoterm there, wouldn't that simply auto-populate whatever Incoterm they enter there for each and every PO that they create regardless of the Supplier selected?

That would not be useful because Incoterms are determined based on the Supplier being used rather than the S4 user entering the PO.

Thanks again.

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Hi rabraham ,

That is not what i meant. In personal settings -> you can add these two fields Incoterms and Incoterms2 to be defaulted. You cannot add any values in these fields.

Once you add these fields, during creation of purchase order, you can see incoterms values defaulted from supplier master.

See attached video, provides more clarification on the steps.

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hemashree.b Terrific! We will give that a try.

Thank you!

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It worked!

Thanks again.


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rabraham Glad to know that! 🙂