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Can Two Invoice be created with reference to one Return order

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Dear All.


              Can two SR Invoice be created with reference to one SR Order.

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You can split a SR Sales Order into 2 either automatically or manually. So, Can you explain what is logic to do that? Can you elaborate your business process?

FYI, there many discussions, docs & wikis are available in & out of SCN, which can guide you how to go for invoice split.

Thanks, JP

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Thanks JP Sir,

                   Much appriciated ,we are having SAP IS:AFS(Our Business is of Manufacturing & Marketiing.Consumer product.

Sir- I created a SR Order after creating it forgot to do PGR & without  doing PGR I opened sales log in order & created SR Invoice without doing PGR & when I check it in VF03 ,Issue print out then there was not any material discription in Created Credit Invoice & when I checked Display document then there were no any delivery document then I came to know without doing PGR how material  can be copied  & then did PGR  with reference to same SR Order  n created another Invoice .but my question is that without cancelling previous SR Invoice how another Invoice can be created with reference to same SR Order.



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Check the line item reference status & the item category(Billing Relevance) from SR Order, which you are referring to create SR Invoice. If you already completely referenced the item to create invoice, then system would not allow you to create. If your item in SR Order is not completely referenced, means partially referred. Then in that case you should be able to process remaining item in other invoice.

In case of any concerns, do revert back.

Thanks, JP

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Yes .

        As I said in my above blog in first SR Invoice I hadn't done PGR N yes SR Invoice wasn't referenced that time when again I  did PGR after creating SR which wasn't having material discription in output n then checked in SR Order Item-status then it was showing completely referenced & created another SR Invoice & cancelled first SR Invoice wich wasn't having any detail .thanks for giving solution now matter is OK.

