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Child Service Order (Price/Profitability)

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The question is regarding the Customer Service Module/SD Integration.

We generate the main service order from sales order with a line item, and we input the price for the item in that particular sales order(Condition type). This is fine.

However, when we create a Child Order from the main/superior order, how do we input the price for this particular child order? Because the child order is linked to Service order and not sales order. The requirement is to add the PRICE/Selling Pricing/Condition type for the Child order.

As we all are aware, we don't have the facility to add condition type/price in the service order or child order.

Please advise. This is urgent.



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If you are trying to get a customer sign on a fix price service, you could (before the child order is released) create a quotation with DP80.

This generates a VA2x quotation document where you can maintain the price condition and send it to the customer.

When accepting the quote (this is an action in IW32 after DP80 has been executed), this creates a debit memo request. You could alter the printout of this DMR to say "Order Confirmation" rather than "Debit Memo Request" to again send it to the customer. After the service is completed, you can invoice the DMR.

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Thanks for the response. There won't be any quotation process here for customer sign-off. Please advise, how in this case we can proceed.



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If the customer gave you carte blanche and will pay whatever, could you not just execute the service and when it is finished create a DMR with DP90?

You could still overwrite the prices suggested by DP90 before invoicing the DMR. (if you agreed on a sort of fixed price in the main SD document)

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The Sales order is created through VA01 where the main line item price is recorded(condition type). For child orders you recommend to record the price in DP90, this will create a conflict. 1 Price in VA01 and other Price in DP90. I know we can combine both Sales Order and Debit memo request while posting invoice(VF01).

I am wondering if we have some solution through VA01 itself, for example adding one material (Child Order) and then add the condition type there(i.e. Price).



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Did you try to manually add a service item (that does not create a service order) to the sales order and then manually link them during service order creation process by entering document and item number on the service order HeaderData tab?

I guess it could work if item category and service order type were set up correctly, but it kind of raises the question why you not just create the child order from the SD document with the same process as the "main" order?

0 Kudos

Please find my response below in BOLD:-

Did you try to manually add a service item (that does not create a service order) to the sales order and then manually link them during service order creation process by entering document and item number on the service order HeaderData tab? (No, it's created automatically from sales order through Repair screen(repairs procedure), no manual inputs).

I guess it could work if item category and service order type were set up correctly, but it kind of raises the question why you not just create the child order from the SD document with the same process as the "main" order? (How to create a child order from SD document? The child service order can only be created from Main Service order through IW36 t-code).

