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#COE#AEG Bill Of Exchange Payable for France – Print of BoE in Automatic Payment Program

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Hi All,

We use Bill Of Exchange for France for Payables. We pay Supplier Invoices with payment method O which clear the open items and moves the Open Items to the BoE reconciliation account.

We use the automatic Payment app to make these payments, but we need the Bill Of Exchange form to be printed so it can be sent to the bank.

How can we activate the printing of the Bill Of Exchange form in the automatic payment program based on payment method O is S4 HANA Cloud? What configuration is needed?

Thank you.

Best regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello rogierleijsen.

How are you? I have excluded the Tag "SAP S/4HANA Cloud" and included the Tag "SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Finance" for this question, as Bill of Exchange is a Topic of Finance Line of Business.


Juliano Romanato.

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I am not familiar with printing features for payable BoE.

as far as I can identify, we have a possibility to print for BoE receivables with form FI_BILL_OF_EXCHANGE_LOC when using the app Receive Bill of Exchange. Not sure if this is available for all countries; but for sure is for India, Qatar and Turkey.

I didn't find for the BoE payables.

Maybe other colleagues can contribute.

Thank you

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

See documenation on Apps for Bill of Exchange Management
In app Manage Automatic payments there is no print functionality for printing boe form


Hello Rogier,

As far as I know, there is no Billof Exchange form printing for payable BoE. Can you kindly share more background regarding why the printing is necessary? And what kind of information is needed to print on the form? As you said the form will send to the bank, I would also want to know whether it is possible to send payment files to bank instead of forms.

Thank you so much.

Best Regards
