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#COE#RFL01-Withholding Tax not Calculated Automatically in S/4hana cloud public

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Hello everyone,

When I create a supplier invoice with a withholding tax code, the withholding  tax is not calculated automatically.
The supplier view  is up to date in the app " maintain business partner", the settings seem correct, but in my supplier invoice I do not see the automatic calculation of the " withhd.Tax Base Amt", Below is a screenshot: 



I've simulated the entry, but it doesn't work, and even if I automatically pay the invoice, the " withh.Tax Base Amt" hasn't been calculated.
I found this SSCUI 104227and I'm wondering if this is the one that needs to be changed?


Thank you for any further information that may help me solve my problem.

Best regards, 



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Added tag SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Finance.
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Hello @MounaAndre your observation is correct, withholding tax rate needs to be maintained under calculation.


Sumesh Gupta 

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@sumesh_gupta Thank you very much for your help !
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Hello @sumesh_gupta I added the rate 20% but still I can't bring up the WHT amount automatically as you can see in my previous screenshot. Thank you for you help.
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Hello, @Anirban_Dutta Do you have any information about this kind of issue, please ?
Active Participant

Hello Mouna, issue is it is not calculating base amount so even after maintaining tax rate tax value is zero. Ideally base amount should be gross or net value based on withholding tax type (HO) - just check once in withholding tax type setting under base right radio button of gross or net selected + under accumulation type no accumulation radio button selected.


Sumesh Gupta 

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Dear @sumesh_gupta, I've checked this point and everything corresponds to the SAP documentation and also to what you've just told me about the process. I've set custo points 104226 and 104227. I've checked the BP and everything's ok. When I create a supplier invoice, the VAT line is calculated automatically, but the HO WHT line goes up but remains at 0. It doesn't calculate automatically, so I have to enter the amount manually. Have you ever had this problem on S/4hana public cloud?