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Customer address in coordinates, not street/postal code/etc

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I have the requirement to not use street/postal code/house number etc in the customer's address, but instead use geo coordinates (longitude/latitude). I have not found anything online how to set this up in public cloud. Is this possible and if yes, how? The only thing I found was this page that is for on-prem Link.

I have also found this old community question Link . But I cannot find that BADI in public cloud.

However, here the coordinates are derived from the address. The requirement is that we do not want anything to do with the address, but only the coordinates.

Kind Regards,


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello @rubenpeijs ,

Geocoding services are not supported in SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud.

If you would like to suggest this an a feature request on the SAP Customer influence portal please follow the steps in KBA 2838330 - How To Request for New Features for Master Data topics in SAP S/4HANA Cloud

Best Regards,