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exchange rate conversion

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Hello experts,

In an intercompany sales billing, document currency is HKD while local currency is CNY. The problem is the amounts (condition type Z001) in CNY are different between accounting document and intercompany sales invoice.

How to make exchange rate conversion for condition type Z001 taken from EURX instead of accounting exchange rate when posting accounting document?

Plz advise. Thx.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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The issue is caused by different exchange rate used for document currency and local currency. To make the exchange rate conversion for condition type Z001 taken from EURX instead of the accounting exchange rate when posting the accounting document, you would need to make a customizing setting in the system.

Go to SPRO > “Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Currencies > Deleted Currency.”

On the “CurrencyIDs” screen, go to the “Deleted Currency” field and select the currency in which the condition type Z001 is posted (i.e. CNY).

You will then be presented with a “Number Rounding Rule” field. In this field, set the exchange rate type to “EURX”.

Press “Save” to complete the customizing setting. This will ensure that when the accounting document is posted, the exchange rate conversion for condition type Z001 will be taken from EURX instead of the accounting exchange rate.

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Many thx for prompt advice.

Actually the exchange rate conversion for condition type Z001 has been taken from EURX in invoice, but not taken from EURX in accounting document. In accounting document, it is taken from accounting exchange rate.

So, do you mean the settings EURX need to be customized?

Besides, I did not find the setting 'currencies' exactly the same as yours. Could you plz help?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Yes. In the configuration of the condition type Z001 you need to indicate that you want to use the EURX exchange rate. This can be done by using the currency exchange rate indicator 'X'. After that, make sure that the system will take the exchange rate from EURX when generating the invoices. To do this, you may need to make some custom settings in your system.

if solution is accepted, Kindly accept

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Thx for the prompt reply.

It seems I have not clarified clearly.

The exchange rate conversion works fine when generating invoice. But the problem is it does not work when posting accounting document. The reason is that it is taken from accounting exchange rate when posting accounting document. The request is to make it taken from EURX when posting accounting document.

Could you plz throw the light?