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Find related Sales Order from Project


When a Sales Order is linked to a Project you can find the Project in the Sales Order's AccountCodingBlockAssignment. But when you try to find the reverse (the Sales Order ID on the Project) you can't find it. On the Project OIF it's supposed to be on the SalesOrderAssignment node, but there's no such node on a Project.

There is a CustomerProjectExpenseList object that SEEMS to provide this information, except we can't seem to find it in case of a Multi-Customer Project.

Any help?

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Hello Piotr,

this seems to be not working. In theory these nodes all exist but they are always empty. Furthermore the node BusinessDocumentFlow is not PSM released.

Please regard this scenario:

Create a SalesOrder and link items to an existing Project.

The SO Items have a subnode ItemAccountingCodingBlockDistribution which could lead to AccountingCodingBlockAssignment and Project, but already the first one ItemAccountingCodingBlockDistribution is never set.

BusinessDocumentFlow on SalesOrder root is not PSM visible but even without PSM there is no link to Project in this node.

BTDR has no Project elements

Nevertheless on the SalesOrder UI there is a link to Project visible, but where is that saved? UI Designer links to root/project but that's not visible/available on SalesOrder. Please advise.

Thanks and best wishes for 2024!