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MM / PM Config difference between S/4 Public Cloud, S/4 Private Cloud & S/4 On Prem

Active Contributor

HI all !

Is there anyone who has a list of which configurations you can't change if you go to S/4 Public Cloud vs S/4 Private Cloud vs On Prem?

I would assume that what you can configure in S/4 Private Cloud vs on prem is exactly the same - am I right?

In the case of public cloud I know for example that you can't create different PM Order types I'm assuming the same goes for any other order type (sales order, internal order, network in project systems) etc ..

What else is missing in public cloud? If you have already implemented public cloud and you couldn't do some configuration change - what was it and in which version couldn't you do it?

There's a lot of information for the benefits of S/4 Public Cloud --- but unsurprisingly I see very little information about its limitations.

ALL answers are welcome!


Hi 01224e03a1874b69919eab14e401e433,

Just to share I´m with you on this one!

  • "I would assume that what you can configure in S/4 Private Cloud vs on prem is exactly the same" We made the switch recently and for the common IMG/SPRO stuff we did not get any surprises. We only had to help out the dev team to adjust some exits and enhancemnts.
  • Recently I came across an OSS note that mentioned that besides already disabling the possibility to create custom account assignment categories (KNTTP), the cloud would also restrict changes to the attributes of the standard ones...

I see public cloud as a complete new world, the organization needs to have an adjustment to system mindset and deviations are to be discussed first with SAP instead of exploring the exists, enhancemnts available (if any).

There´s also this idea of Signavio vs Rise for each case, but I have been lazy on exploring that one...

All the best,

Active Contributor

Thank you so much ! This information is quite valuable to us. Do you remember that OSS note by chance?

I am shocked after reading "No IMG access" on your screenshot ! As you said, that is a whole different ball game!

I do not know if I am resistant to change because a significant portion of my experience will be useless on S/4 Public Cloud. Or if I am legitimately concerned about the inability for customers to do very simple things! Like if notification should be automatically created with a PO, restrict the item categories that they want to use for a specific Purchase document type, define number ranges, define defaults for each order type ... etc.

As of right now, I'm terrified of the idea of going to public cloud. Only time will tell what happens to other customers !


Dear 01224e03a1874b69919eab14e401e433 ,

This was the OSS note I was referring to "2762851 - Unable to edit Account Assignment Configuration", my memory did not serve me well, it´s not fully accurate to what I wrote before. In any case, if you x-check now with info on this OSS note "3293207 - System issues error ME066 in ME21N for Enhanced Limit PO", it kind of leaves me wondering "what the heck"? So I can create new Acc Assignment Categories but then they´re not fully supported...

The print is from here Difference between SAP S/4HANA :Public Vs Private edition : RISE with SAP. It does not mean there´s no customizing, it means the customizing available is done via Fiori APPs.

(my father was terrified when he had to start using plastic money, he was terrified when we had the currency unification in the EU... he got over it, not that we´re better now but it changed and we adapt and has long has "there´s food on the table:)).

All the best and don´t worry too much, I believe SAP is "too big to fail".

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Hi 01224e03a1874b69919eab14e401e433,01224e03a1874b69919eab14e401e433

A list of available SSCUI's / Configuration Activates in S/4HANA Cloud is documented online on the Roadmap viewer

The link is below and in the file Configuration Activity.xlsm (SAP Customer)

If the On-Premise IMG node / SPRO path is not mentioned then its not available in S/4HANA Cloud

Best Regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello odelcastillor.

How are you? As the answer from enda.fennelly is more than 7 days old and there is no more comment from your side, I have accepted enda.fennelly answer's for this question.


Juliano Romanato.