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Portugal - QR code in custom print program

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Hi all,

I am trying to realize th pront-out of the PT QR-code in a custom print-program according to the note 2981450 Cookbook for Customers 2.0.

The chapter "Calling the QR Code Class" gives an example for the coding. But that is not enough.

How can I "realize" this comments? To get this famous qrcode.

DATA ls_qrc_get_param TYPE cl_rdsv_qrcode=>qrcode_get_param.

DATA ls_qrc_object_pt TYPE cl_sipt_qrcode_pt=>source_object_pt.

DATA ls_get_status_param TYPE cl_sipt_pr_util=>doc_status_get_param.

DATA ls_qrc_result TYPE cl_rdsv_qrcode=>qrcode_output.

DATA lx_qrc_exc TYPE REF TO cx_rdsv_qrcode. DATA ls_qrcode TYPE sipt_s_invqrcode.

* Fill ls_qrc_object_pt in case the call uses source_object

* (and source type implements method GET_CONTENT_BY_OBJECT)

* The source type must implement one or both GET_CONTENT_BY_* methods

* Only the implemented methods can be called




get_param = ls_qrc_get_param

source_object = ls_qrc_object_pt

IMPORTING qrcode = ls_qrc_result ).

As I am not the great OO-programmer, I tried to look up for examples how to use the methods above.

It's clear: without content I won't get any QR code.

I can't call the method GET_CONTENT_BY_OBJECT_PT because it is protected.

Does anyone have an example or an advice?

We have SAP_BASIS 740/25 and SAP_APPL/SAP_FIN617/022

Thanks and best regards


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I use this code in Smartforms. I think it could work in a SapScript also.

In case invoice is not digitally signed a short-dump will occur.

DATA: source_object_pt TYPE cl_sipt_qrcode_pt=>source_object_pt,
qrc_get_param TYPE cl_rdsv_qrcode=>qrcode_get_param,
source_object TYPE cl_rdsv_map_util_sd=>source_object_sd,
key TYPE cl_rdsv_map_util_sd=>keys_sd.

qrc_get_param-intca = 'PT'.
qrc_get_param-source_type = 'BILLING_DOCUMENT'.
key-vbeln = vbeln_vf.

SELECT SINGLE print_char
FROM sipt_vbrk
INTO @DATA(print_char)
WHERE vbeln = @key-vbeln.

IF print_char IS INITIAL.

DATA(map) = NEW cl_sipt_map_qrc_pt_sd( ).

map->if_rdsv_map_get~read_source_object( EXPORTING key = key
IMPORTING source_object = source_object ).

map->if_rdsv_map_get~map( EXPORTING source_object = source_object
IMPORTING target_object = source_object_pt ).

CATCH cx_rdsv_map INTO DATA(exc_map).
MESSAGE ID exc_map->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid
NUMBER exc_map->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno
WITH exc_map->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1.

cl_rdsv_qrcode=>get_qrcode( EXPORTING get_param = qrc_get_param
source_object = source_object_pt
IMPORTING qrcode = DATA(qrc_result) ).

CATCH cx_rdsv_qrcode INTO DATA(exc_qrc).
MESSAGE ID exc_qrc->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid
NUMBER exc_qrc->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno
WITH exc_qrc->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1.

qrstring = condense( qrc_result-qrstring ).
0 Kudos

HI Jorge,

Can you please provide the entries for table RDSVI_QRC_CFG? It is blank in our system since we are doing it for first time.

0 Kudos

Hi Rohit,

I have this