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Posting Service Condition on separate G/L

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Hello Experts,
I have been trying to create condition type while creating service PO in Service Schema and post it is amount on different G/L but i faced multiply problems first is that i can't assign the G/L to the account key i maintained in table V_T687 using SM30 t-code and it was accepted in Service Management calculation schema but this newly created account key did not appear in OBYC. so my question is where to assign the G/L ?

Moreover While creating the condition type i found sap note 1166693 that status that external service management doesn't support plan delivery cost so not to use any delivery condition so anyone knows which Condition category (rather than B Delivery cost) or flags that i have to set while creating condition type so that i can post it on separate G/L ?

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In general, SAP doesnt support delivery costs for services. SAP recommends to add additional service lines for delivery costs - refer the note: 381030 Delivery costs in service

In your case, you may add new service lines with required GL and post the same in SES as well as LIV.



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Dear Prasoon ,

Thanks for your reply.

I apologize for not making my requirement clear enough. i don't want to create delivery cost for service, I want to add a negative condition (ex: Social Insurance ) on a service line and i want to post this condition amount to separate G/L other than that of the service it self. I have tried your solution to add it as a separate service line but the problem is that it is a negative value and to my knowledge that negative values for services in SES are only supported if the amount posted to the account assignment is positive so i can't just post negative value on a separate account assignment different from the other account assignments of the service. please correct me if i am wrong or if there is any workaround.


Active Contributor


As of my knowledge, there is no option in standadard to achive the requirement. I would suggest to check for enhancement or substitution with user exit.



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Dear Prasoon,

Thank you very much for your response , i guess i will be going to an enhanced solution as you suggested,
