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Remove chance of success from opporunity screen

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We are trying to remove forecast field from the opportunity screen of SAP BYD. However chance of success field is mandatory so we can not able to remove this field from the system. We wonder if there is any way to remove this field. Thanks in advance.

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Dear Ata Mert,

It is not possible to remove the field chance of success from the opportunity screen since it is a mandatory field. This field is mandatory because it is connected to the sales cycle settings in the fine tuning activity Sales Cycles and Phases.

For each sales phase you can specify the chance of success that is proposed in the opportunity. In this way you can specify a higher chance of success as each sales phase has finished. You can also specify after how many days an opportunity is said to be making slow progress or has stalled when no updates have been saved in this opportunity. The user can see this information in the Opportunities view and in reporting. If an opportunity has stalled, a notification is sent to the manager of the employee responsible for this opportunity.

Further, for every phase of an opportunity, the Sales Assistant provides the user with a set of suggested activities and tasks to increase the chance of success. When you as an employee responsible in sales create an opportunity, the Sales Assistant displays the suggested activities on the Sales Activities tab. You can then select the activities you require for this opportunity.

You can find more information on this topic in the following help center documents:

Opportunity Processing

Sales Cycles and Phases

Sales Assistant

With kind regards,


SAP Product Support