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RequiredDate is missing

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When i am trying to create a Purchase request i always get the following error "Required date is missing (1)"



SAPbobsCOM.Documents pRequest = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseRequest) as SAPbobsCOM.Documents;

            pRequest.Requester = "38";

            pRequest.ReqType = 171;

            pRequest.RequriedDate = DateTime.Now;

            pRequest.DocDueDate = new DateTime(2016, 2, 19);

            pRequest.ClosingDate = new DateTime(2016, 2, 19);

            pRequest.DocDate = new DateTime(2016, 2, 19);

            pRequest.EndDeliveryDate = new DateTime(2016, 2, 19);

            pRequest.DocType = BoDocumentTypes.dDocument_Service;

            pRequest.Lines.BaseLine = 0;

            pRequest.Lines.ItemDescription = "Testing Service";

            pRequest.RequesterEmail = "";

            var ret = pRequest.Add();

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Sorry but the error still returns with RequriedDate on rows

this time it returns the error in Portuguese, dont know why but its the same

Data necessária em falta (1)=Required Date is missing(1)

Any more help please?

Service Layer should be 100% perfect. This is a simple example and it fails .... and i´m completely lost...

Active Contributor
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In header: RequriedDate
In lines : RequiredDate

Notice the spelling



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi ramstein74,

Property name for Purchase Request Header is: RequriedDate

Property name for Purchase Request Lines is: RequiredDate

Kindly correct the HTTP request which you are sending to Service Layer to process.

Kind regards,


SAP Business One Support

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Ankit i tried your suggestion but after i get a different error

No matching records found (ODBC -2028)

Sorry to insist but i guess i´m almost there ....

As i want to create a service request( it can be anything) i dont know or have an ItemCode for that. I think the error comes from the ItemCode=0

Please help , again .. 😉

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi ramstein74,

If you are creating Service Type Purchase Request, the HTTP request should be as below:

  "DocType": "dDocument_Service",
  "DocDate": "2020-11-07",
  "DocDueDate": "2020-12-07",
  "TaxDate": "2020-11-07",
  "RequriedDate": "2020-11-07",
  "DocumentLines": [
      "ItemCode": null,
      "ItemDescription": "TEST Via SL",
      "RequiredDate": "2020-11-07"

If you are creating Item Type Purchase Request, the HTTP request should be as below:

  "DocType": "dDocument_Item",
  "DocDate": "2020-11-07",
  "DocDueDate": "2020-12-07",
  "TaxDate": "2020-11-07",
  "RequriedDate": "2020-11-07",
  "DocumentLines": [
      "ItemCode": "A00001",
      "Quantity": 2,
      "RequiredDate": "2020-11-07"

Kind regards,


SAP Business One Support