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S/4 1909 create a new situation template

0 Kudos


I am working on an S/4 environnement, I have set up some situation handling scenario as per best practice 31N through the app "manage situation types".

It seems that in order to create situation types we are forced to copy one of the situation templates provided by SAP.

Currently these situation templates are lacking, do we have any abilities to develop our own templates ?


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Hi there,
now in March 2021, I would alo be very interested in creating own situation template
From my understanding, a situation template consists of a report and a filter, plus a reference to an existing "template responsibility group" (like operative or central procurement).
To me, this shouldnt be over-complicated.
Is there anything in the pipeline meanwhile?

Martin Plewnia

0 Kudos

Thanks to Knut Maske for the clarifications.

Re "you may use the Situation templates provided by SAP": Could you point us to a download source?

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Hello Nicolas,

you may use the Situation templates provided by SAP and configure the conditions according to your requirements. Depending on the use case and the Situation template provided, the flexibility of this configuration may vary. Customer created templates are not supported yet.

-- Knut