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SKU level good receipt data for existing inventory?

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Dear All

May I know if it is possible to find a detailed list of SKU level good receipt data in SAP.

For example, if I have 5 pcs of item A on hand, I want to know what are the receipt dates for all these 5 pcs of item A.

Desired output:

Where each SKU returns their corresponding good receipt date; not just the last receipt date.

I need this data to build an alternative view of my inventory health that can better represent the average "age" of my current on hand stock per SKU.

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In addition to the previously recommended MB51 query, you'll first probably want to select goods movement type 101 to properly filter the results. But that still returns too much information, such as the goods receipts for inventory that's been previously issued and is no longer on hand.

Therefore, it then becomes imperative that you analyze each stock and retain only the number of records that correspond to your current inventory (the newest records come to the top since you're doing first in first out). I recommend you to assign each unique material number into a vlookup which fetches the result of quantity on hand. Then you can compare the existing quantity on hand to each line with the received quantities using a formula, and once it crosses zero, any subsequent goods receipt entries are older than your current inventory and can be disregarded.

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Thanks for the detailed advice. A problem is that the MB51 data would have been too huge because there is no way I can effectively filter out the relevant receipt entries by posting dates. For example, some items may be quite new and it would be sufficient for me to take only the last 1 year's receipt entries but for some older items, I may need to look beyond 1 year to capture all the receipt entries that apply to my stock on hand.