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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

What’s New

You may have seen this Roadmap Explorer item that with the release as of March 4th 2024, a new SAP SuccessFactors App will be available and published to the Microsoft Teams App Store.

As an admin, you may choose to search for this app in Manage Apps in Teams and install this app for all yourusers in the organization. Once the admin has enabled it for your organization, the end user may choose to search for this app directly from the Teams App Store and download it/install it to their Teams. Alternatively, admin may choose to install and pin the new App for all users in Manage Apps. 

This change is made to reduce your administrative chores in downloading, uploading, and upgrading app packages every time we deliver new features. It also enables users to explore the app themselves and increases exposure.





Some resources to help you with the enablement:

  • Video demo of how to setup this Latest App here.
  • Implementation guide of how to set up the new App here.
  • Learn about what features we are delivering to the Latest App in this Help doc and this video demo. (Video TBD)


---------------------------------Read on if you are an existing customer on Legacy App---------------------------------------


Existing Customers Migration

For existing customers who have already installed the Legacy App (via zip package), there are some actions required to help you with the migration:

Step 1: search for this new app in Manage Apps from the Teams App Store and install this app.


Step 2: Disconnect from the Legacy App and connect to the new Latest App. Manually setup the connection and switch to the new experience by following onscreen instructions embedded in the ‘Learn More’ buttons on the SAP SuccessFactors App in Teams (Legacy) and SAP SuccessFactors App in Teams tabs of the Work Tech Configuration page in Admin Center. The two tabs will co-exist for a few months until the 1H 2024 release (we may consider extending the date by a couple of months if necessary).


The previous legacy app, which is the custom SAP SuccessFactors App package (zip file) that you downloaded via the Work Tech Configuration page of the Admin Center will reach End of Maintenance and be Deleted as of the 1H 2024 release (July 2024), you will no longer be able to download that zip file or access that app after that time.

Step 3: End users may now search for the new App via Apps tab in Teams. Alternatively, admin may choose to install and pin the new App for all users in Manage Apps.

Recommended: Admins may choose to uninstall and unpin the old app on behalf of all end users so as to not confuse them with two Apps.


Migration Timeline

We encourage you to complete the transition no later than the 1H 2024 release (July 2024). As of March 2024, new features will only be available in the app downloaded from the Teams app store.

Learn More

Additional resources about how to transition into the new App, please visit the below links:


If you encounter a technical issue while transitioning from the Legacy App to the Latest App, submit an incident within the SAP Support Portal, using the component LOD-SF-EAS-WRK.

If you have further questions, please leave a comment in this post.

0 Kudos

@VanessaLi useful post thanks. How do we get notified when new features become available in the Teams app? This week Time Off approvals seem to have started appearing but I’ve not seen any updates about this ahead of it happening unless I’m missing something? Thanks 

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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@chrisstokes4 Usually new features will be listed here or in this chapter 

Our roadmap explorer will also briefly introduce the upcoming roadmap items. 

As of Time off use case, we have plans to deliver the end to end scenario of submitting a time off request, approving the time off request is 1H 2024 timeframe. This is still work in progress therefore the whole use case is not ready yet, but you may see us iteratively deliver the use case.

0 Kudos

Hi Team, 

@VanessaLi  We are trying to activate Microsoft Teams functionality in one of our SF instances.

1) in Work Tech Configuration in Admin Center, we do not see the option "SAP SuccessFactors App in Teams".  We only have the legacy option, which is currently disconnected.

Is it something which will be available in SF from 4th March 2024? Or am i missing something here?


2) Also, can we connect multiple SF instances to same Microsoft Teams Tenant (e.g. Test & Productive SF Instance to Productive Teams Tenant) ? Will the functionalities work and send the information correctly to correct instance using ESS Quick actions from Teams?As per the documentation, it seems to be possible. But the next statement also is confusing.


Best Regards,

Mohit Somani

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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@mohitsomani2003 Correct, it will be available on 4th March for you to re-connect (you have to disconnect from the Legacy one first).

0 Kudos

Thanks  @VanessaLi 

Also, if you can clarify this?

Can we connect multiple SF instances to same Microsoft Teams Tenant (e.g. Test & Productive SF Instance to Productive Teams Tenant) ? Will the functionalities work and send the information correctly to correct instance using ESS Quick actions from Teams?As per the documentation, it seems to be possible. But the next statement also is confusing.





Mohit Somani


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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@mohitsomani2003 it is not possible to connect multiple SF to the same Teams. Nor is it possible to connect one Teams to multiple SF. That is what we mean by the mapping is unique. We recommend to connect Test SF to Test Teams, then Prod SF to Prod Teams. 

To achieve multiple mapping is rather challenging for us therefore the plan is support this is unknown at this point. 

0 Kudos

Thanks @VanessaLi for the clarification. 

Also, one more follow-up (as we expect these questions from clients as well).

As we are more into exploring phase, with many stakeholders for different processes, do you see any problem,

1. if we connect SF Test with Microsoft Teams Productive Instance for exploration, and give access to Apps to controlled users.

2. Once we would like to connect SF Production, we "disconnect" the connection in Work Tech Configuration from SF Test Instance,  and create new connection from SF Production Instance.

Do you see any potential challenges here?



Mohit Somani

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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@mohitsomani2003  This is a great question. Answer is yes, that is possible and recommended. You must first disconnect from the SF Test, then go to SF Prod to re-connect.

0 Kudos

Hi @VanessaLi,

We are planning to do it like that as well (connect SF Test to Prod Teams) and test out the SF app in Teams for selected users first but I have a question / concern around the user mapping step.

If we map Test SF users with Prod Teams (AD Azure) users, would there be any unexpected issues?

The users in our Test SF won't be aligned to that of Prod Teams, will the user mapping all the sudden create our Test SF users in Prod Teams (AD Azure)?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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@Ethan_Dai No it won't create new users in Prod Teams. The mapping is always done on existing users from both sides.

If there are no matching email addresses between Test SF and Prod Teams then the mapping will simply fail. Therefore for this testing, you need to make sure that the users in Prod Teams exists as well in SF Test.

0 Kudos

Thanks @VanessaLi,

Some Prod Teams users do exist in our Test SF but not all. And what would happen in this scenario? Would the user mapping be successful or fail?

And would the SF Teams app be working for the users that do exist in both systems?

If not, then it is almost impossible to test it out using this approach as users in Prod and Test systems won't 100% align...


0 Kudos

Hi @VanessaLi,

Just wondering if you had a chance to look into my question from 4 Mar.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

@Ethan_Dai  In the SF Admin Centre, the user mapping for whoever is setting up the connection has to be successful (the admin user). Once successful, go to the Teams App, and the end users using the app may partially succeed or fail depending on if they have a valid user on both sides. The App will work for those who are successfully mapped.

0 Kudos

Thanks @VanessaLi for the clarification. We went out and explained to our managers that time off approvals they were seeing come through were a new feature and time off requests were coming later on, but then around a week ago they disappeared again! Do you know why? It’s really confusing our comms messages. Thanks

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Good catch, we have released this Time Off Approval by accident and prematurely, we applied an immediate patch to remove it afterwards. Therefore it is now removed.

We will be officially releasing the whole Time Off scenario (submit Time off, approve time off) in the upcoming months. Cannot promise it will be 1H 2024, it may slip into a monthly release, for example June/July.

0 Kudos

Hi @VanessaLi,

I have a similar question to a previous one, can we connect 2 TEST SF instances to the same Microsoft Teams Tenant? we have 2 test instances, one in Germany and one in China and only one MS Teams



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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@GuadalupeRangel unfortunately, only a 1:1 mapping is supported now.

0 Kudos

@VanessaLi - 2 questions I have: 

1. Are customers able to configure which cards they would like to make available through the app separate from what we might have configured for the individual modules?  For example, if we wanted to 'turn off' a certain card like the learning assignment card despite leveraging learning assignments in the LMS and custom email notifications?  

2. When we implemented the legacy app we configured a custom image by modifying the zip file prior to uploading to our Teams environment, is customization still possible with the new experience? 

Thank you

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


1. This follows the Homepage logic we have today. If today you can turn off the homepage card for Learning through a Homepage switch, then it will be supported the same for Teams. Since we follow the same mechanism as the Homepage. The behaviour is consistent regardless of whether you are on old or new app.

2. To modify App name and logo will be available in the May release (end of May)

0 Kudos


Hi VanessaLi,

Is there a possibility to attach a Document ? say for example , we have a policy to add a supporting document when requesting a change ( lets say a correction in the personal Info ) - is this possible ? if its possible how the document will be stored / where ? 




0 Kudos


Additionally , if you can share any pointers / FAQ's that explains what is not possible / not supported it would help is define our Use cases 




0 Kudos



Sorry , wanted to add this question earlier . I understand from your previous answers we can connect to the Test system and do the testing / I can create a Pilot Group for testing ? like how we did for the New Home Page when it was Launched ?



0 Kudos

Hi there,

Not directly related to the new SF Teams app in Teams App Store but just wondering if anyone has got the user mapping working in Work Tech Configure?

I managed to establish the connection between SF and our AD Azure but whenever I tried to run the user mapping, I get the error below. We have triple checked and our username in SF is identical to onPremisesSamAccountName in AD Azure and have given all the permissions described in the help guide.

I have raised a ticket with SAP, Microsoft 365 and AD Azure and no far no one can tell me why this is happening....




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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@AylwinJerome Documents uploading is not supported today. Please test out the functionality using your Test SF instance together with a Test Teams tenant if possible. You can specify who has access to the App via Teams configuration in Azure/Manage Apps. Please reach out to a Teams Administrator for this. The new App supports all functionalities of the old app and has more add to it. 

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

@Ethan_Dai what is the case number?

0 Kudos

Hi @VanessaLi,



0 Kudos

Hi @VanessaLi,

My last post with the ticket no got marked as spam for some reason....

Here it is again, hopefully it stays on this time.

966660/2023 Setup SF App in MS Teams
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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@Ethan_Dai So is the Teams app working then? The failure for the admin does not mean a failure for the end user. Perhaps some users are already mapped based on your configuration. It is only the admin who is doing the connection that is failing.

The problem is whether the SF Admin and the Teams Admin is the same person, i.e the person who is logged in to SF doing the user mapping connection, needs to have a corresponding user on the Azure side.

0 Kudos

Hi @VanessaLi,

No, the SF Teams app is not working. It was working initially without user mapping working (when I first raised the ticket in 2023) but then it stopped and hasn't been working since. 

So are you saying the user who is performing the user mapping in SF also needs to be AD Azure admin who established the connection in AD Azure? Essentially you need to be SF admin and AD Azure admin at the same time?

That is not possible in most sizable organisation I would thought..... These applications are completely separate and will not be managed by the same team / area. I am the SF admin in our company and AD Azure is a different team altogether.

And just to be clear, I have a profile in AD Azure and my username in SF matches my OnPremisesSamAccountName in AD Azure, I am just not an admin in AD Azure.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

@Ethan_Dai  The work tech admin does not have to be the Azure admin. However the work tech admin himself/herself might not have valid mapping, this does not impact other end users with valid mapping. Sometimes the mapping may fail for the work tech admin but indeed the app is working for other end users.

I see that you have chosen User.username and onPremiseSAMAccountName, could you please provide two screenshots 1. The username of your logged in user, 2. The field from Azure and its value, I want to make sure we are looking at the right field. If you have concerns about posting it here, please send it to me via direct email with any sensitive information blurred out, if needed let's troubleshoot this on a call.

0 Kudos

Thanks @VanessaLi for looking into this for me.

I have sent the screenshots to your email address.


0 Kudos

Thanks @VanessaLi,

I now know the user mapping was failing for me because we have "Excluding granted users from having the same access to themselves" checkbox checked for the role assigned to me as the user that gave me access to "Export Employee".


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Thanks for the blog.

Can you  customize the new app by using a company logo, intro content etc?

Will customers retain their content from the legacy app?



0 Kudos

Hi @VanessaLi,

Thanks again for helping me to resolve the user mapping issue, I am in now!

Could you let me know if the the content of the card (highlighted section) in the screenshot below can be changed / configured?

Both urls take the user to a publicly available SAP help page, which talks about full functionalities. However, not every customers have all the modules (we don't have time off, compensation and didn't enable feedback for CPM) so the info there can be misleading and create confusion.

We don't necessarily want to enable all available Quick Actions either due to internal processes / requirements so that can also be confusing for someone to see options that are not available to them.




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

@KSchuster previously no, but as of the new May release, you may customize App name and logo. The history notifications will not be retained when you transfer to the new app. But all other quick actions will still be available, if not more quick actions. All new features will be available in the new app only.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

@Ethan_Dai Currently, no. Card labels are not customizable. There are some labels that read from SF and support customization, this is explained here: 

I understand that not all actions are enabled for the user so the doc might be confusing. However we do have to list out the full functionality publicly somewhere. What I can think of is to put a note in our doc guide emphasizing that this is the full functionality and depends on permission configuration.

0 Kudos


where can I find more information about customizing the app name and logo on Teams? Could not see anythig about this on release material. Thanks in advance!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

@helih It's in the Teams Admin Centre, you need to search for our App and open this panel.



0 Kudos

Hi Vanessa, we've had a case 440043/2024 open with engineering since the release as most of the quick actions aren't rendering in the Teams application (you just get a white box instead of the fields) but we're getting no-where with it. Our colleagues are frustrated as the new functionality isn't working. We've migrated to the latest Teams app (with the Home tab) so we know it's not that. Is this a wider known issue affecting others?


