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EmpJob OData API error

0 Kudos

I am testing the EmpJob OData API. Its an Upsert POST request which adds the details for the existing user on successfactor platform. The issue is arising because of "timezone" attribute sent in the request. This is the error:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

<feed xmlns="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:d="">


<content type="application/xml">


<d:key m:null="true"></d:key>



<d:message>unknown property timezone for EmpJob</d:message>

<d:index m:type="Edm.Int32">0</d:index>

<d:httpCode m:type="Edm.Int32">400</d:httpCode>

<d:inlineResults m:type="Bag(SFOData.UpsertResult)"></d:inlineResults>





If I remove the "timezone" attribute from the request body, it gives me the error that country validation is not done. How can I resolve this error? Any leads will be appreciated.

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