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2023-1H-LMS Release LRN-143095 'Updated Learning Cross-Domain Proxlet' question


Is there a way in the LMS we as a company can see if we host our own content?  We do upload SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004.  Where in the LMS do we see what version of OpenJDK (Open Java Development Kit) we are using for the LMS, as it encourages us to be on OpenJDK (Open Java Development Kit) version 11.0.18 but I have no idea what version if any, of the OpenJDK we are currently on. We plan to enable the new Course Home experience (enableCourseHomeBlended=true).

If we run into issues in our preview region with doing all this, and change our minds for this release and revert back to enableCourseHomeBlended=false, do we just need to do that, or do we have to do something to remove the 'Updated Learning Cross-Domain Proxlet'?

So many questions, so little time.  Thank you in advance.

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Hi Michael,

Firstly, you can check whether this note (Updated Learning Cross-Domain Proxlet) is applicable or not by following these steps:

  1. Go to Learning Administration.
  2. Click on System Configuration.
  3. Select LMS_ADMIN and look for the Learning Content Settings: Cross Domain Support Setting.
  4. If it is set to false, then this note is not applicable.

# Communication Cross domain support is used to support launching and tracking courseware from a different domain than the LMS.



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See my comment that follows next

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On your Point 4 - you state, 'IS' applicable. Did you truly mean 'IS' applicable, or did you mean't "Isn't" applicable? The reason I ask is that our consultants who answered this question for us stated 'Not applicable. Our company is not using a cross domain proxlet'. So if I am reading this correctly, I am having opposite opinions on whether I need to worry about this or not. Our Config File settings are:

# **** Learning Content Settings: Cross Domain Support Settings ****
# Cookie Cross domain support is used to support launching and tracking courseware from a different domain than the TMS domain.
# TMS and the content server must however share the top level domain for cross domain tracking to be successful.
# The value of cookieCrossDomainSupportDomainName is the top level domain. Thus an LMS with domain and a content server
# with domain share the top level domain
# Default of cookieCrossDomainSupportEnabled: false
# Communication Cross domain support is used to support launching and tracking courseware from a different domain than the LMS. communicationCrossDomainSupportEnabled=false

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Sorry for the typo, I meant 'IS NOT'. Thank you again